Chapter 11 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

I left before them. I had to get back to work, as I walked I thought about what Gracia said to the two Elrics, how much guilt Edward had about the situation.

I pitied them, and I pitied Gracia. Maes and Gracia were each other's worlds, it was brutal to see her like this.

And Elicia... She was happy to see me, I was surprised she remembered me. She talked a lot about Maes.

I walked down the hall of Central command, preparing myself for the shit show that was about to happen.

I walked into the office and Roy immediately looked up at me, he looked annoyed.

Something in me flipped, like a switch. Instead of my usual untroubled attitude, I put on my 'Briggs' attitude, force of habit.

I walked up to his desk and stood at attention.

"Where have you been?" He sounded more annoyed than confused.

You could physically feel the tension rising.

"Sir, I met the Elrics in the hall earlier." I mentally and physically prepared myself for the yelling I assumed was coming next. "They know about the murder of Brigadier General Hughes."

"You told them?" He raised his voice slightly. It was enough to make me flinch a little. I closed my eyes, avoiding eye contact.

Here's the thing. I could handle General Armstrong's yelling, I could handle yelling as long as it came from a woman. But a mans yelling? Let's just say it gave me... 'slight' anxiety.

"No sir, Second Lieutenant Maria Ross did."

(Roy's POV)

"You told them?" I raised my voice, though it wasn't on purpose.

Hunter flinched and my heart sank. I hadn't forgotten about what she went through, but I was careless with how I was acting.

I'd been in a mood for most of the day, I wasn't being careful with how I was presenting myself.

She closed her eyes. "No sir, Second Lieutenant Maria Ross did."

"I see." I spoke softer this time.

"And as for my whereabouts for the past half hour, I escorted the brothers to Mrs. Hughes' home. I figured it would be okay if they spoke with her." She opened her eyes as she finished.

There was something different about her this time around. She looked.. colder? No, it was more like, she looked numb. Not empty, but guarded. And she stood at attention, she had never done that before.

She stood there, as if waiting for something to happen.

"I also have to apologize."

I was confused. "Apologize for what?"

"The coffee this morning. It was unprofessional. I apologize for that." And she bowed.

That's when I glanced at Hawkeye. We were both confused by this change of attitude, maybe even a little concerned.

This whole time she was here, she was laidback, like she didn't care. But now? Now she was acting.. stiff, obedient and for what?

I nodded. "It's alright. I wasn't angry about that."

Again, she stood still, waiting for something to happen. "Am I dismissed?"

I nodded and she went back to her desk. I was completely baffled, she'd never acted that way before. Did being at Briggs do that to her?

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