Chapter 10 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)


I turned around and found Riza walking to catch up to me.

I smiled. "Good morning."

She looked confused. "Are you okay?"

"Yes?" I laughed awkwardly. "Why?"

"I just thought you'd be mad after yesterday."

"Ah." I shook my head. "No. I'm not mad."

She nodded. "Good."

"Hey." I nudged her. "When did people start calling me lady inferno?"

She laughed. "I see you talked to Sheska."

I shook my head. "I hate that."

She laughed at my despair.

"You two are late." Roy caught up to us.

I glanced at him. "Not that late."

Riza butted in. "So, are we okay?" She gestured between all of us. "Did we fight everything out?"

I was confused by what she meant. Her and I hadn't fought? "Uh, I think so. I wasn't really mad at anyone." I took a breath. "So yes, we're good now."

She smiled at me. "Great." She walked into the office first.

Roy turned and stopped me from entering. "Did you miss me after I left?"

I laughed loudly, sounding very fake. "No."

He leaned in and whispered. "Liar." A smirk on his face.

His gaze was intense and I felt trapped under it. However, I pushed his face away and walked in; he walked in after me.

I pulled out my chair. "Colonel, you had your interactions with Scar right?"

He stopped as he reached his desk, a look of concern crossed his face. "Why are you asking?"

Riza and I glanced at each other, his change of demeanour was quick. "Just wondering. Bradley mentioned it when I arrived."

He scoffed. "Don't go looking for him. He's dangerous."

I rolled my eyes. I just wanted information..

"If you say so, sir." I basically spat the last word.

I paused a moment, awkwardness filling the air. "You still haven't told me everything."

He glanced at me. "What you do mean?"

I scoffed. "Come on. Hughes was murdered because he found something. The Elrics are missing body parts, and they want a philosopher stone. I'm not dumb, I know there's more to the story."

The two sat quietly.

"The philosopher stone is made of humans." Roy blurted.

I froze and my blood ran cold. Shit... "How did you find out?"

They both looked shocked, clueless as to why I would know that.

"That's what Hughes found.." Roy spoke.

"But how did you know that?" Riza looked at me.

I took a breath. "I might as well come clean about it now." I looked at them. "I worked under Doctor Marcoh, the Crystal Alchemist, during the war before I was sent to the battlefield. We were ordered to research the philosopher stone."

I looked at the clock, wanting to finish before the others came into the room. I felt nauseous as I continued. "The top secret things he took were his research materials and the stone itself."

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