CH*97 (Reassurances)

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Jungkook pov:

I look at Suga as he chuckles, and I pop my last bite of crust into my mouth. I raise my eyebrows at him in question as I chew. He wraps his arms tighter around me as I sit comfortably in his lap.

"Do you know your cheeks get so puffy when you eat? You look just like Chim but more like a bunny if I'm being honest. It's really cute."

I look down as I feel my cheeks heat and shake my head. I look up as I hear Tae laugh. He is snuggled in Joon's lap as he finishes off his last bite as well. I look around and it seems we were the last to finish. We sit in a kind of circle on the floor in the living room. We are still in our robes after our baths. I drain the last of my soda and set my plate aside. I am pleasantly stuffed and content to sit here for the rest of the day. I feel an underlying restlessness though. I look over at Joon again as he clears his throat.

"What does everyone want to do for the rest of the day? It's still pretty early since it's only 2 o'clock. We still have the whole day."

I don't have any ideas of my own but maybe someone else does. I look around waiting to see if anyone comes up with anything.

Jimin pov:

I look around as I sit comfortably across Jin and Hobi's laps. I'm a bit antsy and I don't know why. I look down as I feel my hands being intertwined. Hobi has one and Jin has the other. They thread their fingers through mine, and as I hold them, I realize, I had balled my hands into fists.

"What's wrong Jiminie?"

I look over at Tae as he looks at me in concern. I shake my head.

"I'm not sure. I just feel uneasy for some reason."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to determine where the feeling is coming from. I feel Hobi as he rests his lips against mine kissing me softly. I look at him as he pulls back giving me a small smile.

"I'm sorry love. I think that may be my fault. Is anyone else feeling the same?"

I watch as he looks around at everyone. He gives a soft smile. I feel as Jin pulls him closer as he rubs his side. He takes a deep breath as he locks gazes with me. I feel my breath catch at the depth of feeling I see there.

Hoseok pov:

I use my free hand to caress up and down Jimin's legs that are across my lap as Jin rubs my side and back. I shake my head as I think of the wonderful afternoon we've been having, feeling bad for ruining it.

"I'm sorry guys. I don't mean to ruin the day. I'm just still a little worried about everything."

I startle a bit as I look at Tae who is now kneeling in front of me. He holds his arms out to me. I move into his embrace as Jimin let my hand go. I sigh in the comfort of his arms.

"You don't need to apologize for that Hobi. It's understandable that you feel that way. I just need you to know you are not alone in this anymore. None of us will ever let anything happen to you. Not ever again, okay?"

I nod into his shoulder as I feel everyone engulf us in a hug. I look up to see Kook and Jiminie on either side of us. I meet their smiles with one of my own. I take another deep breath and let the tension go. I feel comforted and empowered surrounded by my mates.

Namjoon pov:

I lean in and kiss Hobi's temple as we hold on to each other. As we all hold onto him. I feel my mind start to wander as I try to think of ways to distract everyone from the issues we are facing. I feel a soft kiss on my shoulder and look to meet Jinnie's eyes. He smiles at me. I smile back as I wish I could just make everything go away. I want to keep everyone safe and happy. I look around and Suga's gaze catches my eye as he too smiles at me with a shake of his head. I frown as I watch him. He tilts his head watching me as I feel through our bonds to see if I can feel out what he is trying to tell me. A feeling of strength and reassurance washes through me as I watch him bite his lip. He nods as I feel my mouth drop open. He lets his gaze roam over everyone before it locks with mine again. I feel understanding dawn as I realize what he is projecting. We are strong. We have been strong in everything we have been through alone and now we are together. We are just that much stronger together now. No one can break us apart. I smile as I give him an answering nod. I look down and pull away from everyone as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to read a text from Arthur saying he is on his way to work on our electronics. I look around as everyone watches me.

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