CH*1 ( The Flight)

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"Good morning, welcome aboard."

"Thank you!"

"Do you need any help locating your seat? Let me look at your boarding pass."

"Sure, thank you. Here you go."

"Oh, it's this way. You are here in F2 window seat. You can place your bag in the overhead compartment. We'll be going over the safety procedures and taking off in about 20 minutes. Please enjoy your flight and let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you so much! I will."

I'm glad the stewardess was nice. If the rest of the flight goes like this, this will be a great start to my new life. I place my bag in the compartment and pulled out my phone and headphones. I am glad I checked to see how long the flight would be. I have several games and movies and books downloaded. I am also hoping I can relax at some point and get some sleep.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the monitors for our preflight safety video."

"I hope you enjoyed that. If you have any questions, please let us know." We will be taking off in 5 minutes.

I watched as the staff checked through our belts to make sure everyone was secure. I plugged in my earbuds as the plane began to rumble and coast down the runway. I decided to listen to my favorite group Big Bang while watching the plane take off into the sky. Love Song was playing, and it was the perfect song to fit the perfect view I saw of the sky as the plane leveled out. What a great experience this will be. I think I'll start my triple feature of Iron Man as I do have over 15 hours to kill. Here we go... FROM UP HIGH: a U.S. Military convoy worms through a barren vista. Rock music swells as we drift down and enter the center Humvee... I love Iron Man!

... As the third movie ended, I decided to get some reading time in then maybe I could fall asleep. I still had over 8 hours to go. I wonder if this book will be any good, "Lover at Last." It's a vampire story but it's supposed to be about a gay couple. A gay vampire couple. Jimin recommended it, sounds intriguing, she was one of the only ones of my old friends, that I still talked to. I'm going to find out.

Well, that was an awesome story. Too bad for me as I didn't get any sleep and we should be landing in the next 30 minutes. Well, I guess I'll sleep once I get into my hotel.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in the next 20 minutes. Please return to your seats, make sure your trays and seats are in their upright position, and fasten your seat belts. We will be coming around to collect any trash you may have. Again, thank you so much for flying with us today!"

JUST FOR ME (TAEKOOK (w)~NAMJIN YOONMINSEOK) OT7 in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now