CH*50 (Having Fun)

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Yoongi pov:

We walk back into the living room to see Jimin bouncing up and down. He is huddled together with the other guys and Tae is shaking his head. We join them handing them their drinks. I am curious as they look around at us smiling.

"What are you guys up to?"

"Well we were just talking, and you know how I was saying I wanted to see you guys dance. Jimin said he wouldn't mind dancing to get some of his energy out after watching those scary movies. Kooks would you be ok with showing us the dance you and Jimin did?"

I groan thinking of watching Jimin doing those moves. I look over to see him jumping up and down and clapping. I watch as Hobi takes a drink and winks at me. I walk over to him and put my arm around his waist. I lean over to whisper in his ear.

"Hobe you guys are playing with fire you know that right."

"I think Jimin knows what he's doing as he is the one who suggested it."

I shake my head and look over at Jimin as I lick my lips. He just giggles and pulls out his phone as he walks over to Kook. I watch as Tae says something in Kooks ear and his cheeks flame. He takes a drink of his beer and then hands the bottle to Tae with a smile. We all sit down as he and Jimin walk away from us so they can dance.

I loosen the top button on my shirt as I look over at Jin as he bounces on the couch sitting next to Joon. They have big smiles on their faces. I look over at Tae as he shifts a bit on the couch shaking his head. It seems I'm not the only one who is riled up by their performance. Hobi looks over at me and laughs.

"Hey guys want to learn another number?"

I look at him as my mouth drops open.

"You too Hobi?"

"Yeah I was thinking of teaching them the take it down dance. Then we can do it together."

I groan again as I hear Jimin respond.

"Oh yes, I remember that dance I think I know most of it!"

Hobi gets up and walks off with them. I look over as Tae moves closer to me.

"I'm guessing you're familiar with this dance. Am I in as much trouble as I think?"

"Yup, we both are. I don't know what my mates are thinking."

I say as I shake my head.

"I'm thinking they want to get fucked tonight."

I look over at Tae and laugh.

"If they keep this up that's exactly what's going to happen."

He looks over at me.

"Who are we kidding. I already figured after those movies Kookie was going to corner me again anyway. Now I'm not sure who will be cornering who."

He laughs and looks over as Jin and Joon come to join us on the couch we're sitting on.

"I'm guessing at least one of you is familiar with this number."

Joon says and I turn to him and nod.

"Joon by any chance are your walls soundproof?"

He laughs and Jin giggles.

"Yes, they are. Joonie and I always wanted to have people over and figured it would be best if all the room walls were soundproof."

"Ah, that's good to know. I think that will come in handy later."

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