CH*49 (Movies and Pizza)

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Jimin pov:

We walk into the kitchen to see the guys hovering around the counter. All the pizza ingredients are spread out in front of them. We move into the empty spaces that have three pans prepped with oil waiting for us. I hear Jin chuckle and look over at him with a smile.

"Glad you guys decided to join us. The ovens have been preheated we just have to get the pies ready and we can put them in."

"Sorry about that. We needed to take a bit of time to relax some before we came back. I hope we didn't keep you guys waiting too long."

Jin smiles at me and shakes his head.

"No, your timing was perfect actually. Does everyone know how to knead your dough for the pizzas?"

I look around knowing we do so I nod as do Yoongs and Hobi. Tae also nods and giggles as he sees Kooks frown. He grabs his waist and whispers in his ear making Kook smile. Kooks looks at Jin.

"I don't but Tae says he'll show me how."

"Okay so everyone get your dough ready and put it on the pans in front of you."

We all do as he asked kneading our dough after oiling our hands and thinning it to make a circle and placing it on our pans. The circles fit perfectly. I look over to see Tae showing Kook how to pinch the edge of his dough to make the crust. I watch as Jin reaches over to grab two jars of sauce. He lifts them and shows them to us leaving one jar on the table.

"I don't know if any of you want a white pie, but we have tomato sauce, alfredo sauce, and a garlic sauce to use for the base. I'm going to make mine half and half so I'm using the tomato and alfredo."

We watch as he spreads the sauces on his crust. I know I want to make a regular pepperoni and sausage pie, so I reach over to grab the tomato sauce when he sets it down. I look over to see Hobi grab the garlic sauce and Yoongs grab the alfredo. We spread our sauces over our crusts. I look around to see everyone else has used the tomato sauce and have it nicely spread over their crusts.

"Perfect guys, they look awesome. Now we can add the toppings. I am going to use just pepperoni."

I watch as he spreads the meat over the sauce. I take the sausage and place pieces over my crust while I wait for the pepperoni. I love sausage and pepperoni pizza. I look over to see Yoongs spreading chicken, spinach, and tomato over his sauce. I then look to see what topping Hobi has picked but frown as he hasn't taken anything. I widen my eyes as it dawns on me, he is probably making a cheese pie. I take the pepperoni as Jin has finished with it and see Joon has picked up the sausage I put down. I add the pepperoni to my pie. I look over to see Kook waiting like Hobi and Tae has spread chicken over his sauce.

"Alright next is the cheese. We have a variety, and plenty so use as much as you want."

We all spread cheese over our pies. I smile as I look around. I watch as Jin picks up a bowl.

"This is a butter herb and cheese mixture I like to spread around the crust. It just adds flavor for those of us that like to eat the crust."

"Oh, I usually don't eat my crusts but that might make me."

I laugh at Kooks response as we all take turns using the brush to coat our crusts.

"Awesome. So, we can put these in the ovens. It'll take about 17 minutes for them to cook. I figure we can get the movie chosen and set up while we wait."

I nod at Jin as he starts to put the pies into the oven. The rest of us move into the living room to get settled and pick a movie. I look over at Kook as I wonder aloud.

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