CH*64 (Family Playtime)

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Seokjin pov:

I open my eyes slowly still wrapped in Joonie's arms. It's my happy place. I look around the room to see the guys are all asleep huddled up with their mates. It makes me smile. I think back over the last few days and feel my heart clench. My fears are slowly starting to fade. I look around again realizing I fully trust these guys. They are my newfound family. I feel Joonie stir behind me as he pulls me closer placing a kiss against the side of my head. I turn to look at him as he opens his eyes.

"Good morning."

I whisper looking around as he does the same.

"Good morning love. Everyone is still asleep I see."

He whispers back as he kisses me again. I nod in response.

"I wonder if they feel as close to us as we do to them. I know we are a mixed group but maybe, just maybe we have our streak here huh Jinnie?"

I nod in understanding. I feel the same about them. I guess only time will tell. I watch as Tae begins to stir cuddling closer to Kook in his hold. I smile they are so cute. I hold in my squeal, so I don't startle them. I watch as Kook pulls Tae closer in his sleep kissing his head without opening his eyes. Tae smiles in response in his sleep.

"Oh Joonie. They are adorable."

I keep my voice low as we continue to watch the couple cuddle in their sleep. I shift and look over at the triad to see them watching us. I startle a bit as I didn't know they were awake. Jimin smiles at me notices my shocked expression.

"Cute, aren't they?"

I nod in response to Jimin's comment. I notice he keeps his voice low as well.

"I thought you guys were still asleep. Did we wake you?"

He shakes his head at me. Hobi pulls him close as Suga wraps his arms tighter around them both.

"We are early risers and tend to wake easily. You didn't wake us though we were just enjoying some early morning cuddles waiting for everyone to wake. I'm actually surprised any of us are up."

Suga chuckles as he finishes speaking. I have to agree as we only slept for a few hours. He turns and looks at his mates who smile at him as he looks back at Joonie and I.

"I don't know how cats are, but I know I can speak for myself and my mates when I say our animals are rather playful around you guys. The excitement they feel keeps us in a heightened state. If you guys were all wolves, I'd say we had found our pack."

My smile broadens as I look from him to his mates to Joonie and back.

"Joonie and I were just saying something similar. I'm glad you feel it too."

We both look over as Tae shifts and turns in Kooks arms yawning and facing our direction. He blushes as Kook grumbles and pulls him closer nuzzling his face into Tae's neck. He wraps his arms around Kooks that are wrapped around him. He smiles looking around at us as we smile back.

"Good morning everyone."

I chuckle at the gruffness of his morning voice. I am still shocked at the timber. I would never have guessed to look at him that his voice would be so deep. We all laugh at his face as he frowns.

"What, did I drool or something?"

This causes us all to laugh and Kook to wake up fully pulling Tae to him and sitting up simultaneously. Tae whines and rubs his arms that have tightened around his waist. Kook looks down at him realizing what he did and releases his grip.

"I'm sorry Taebear. I woke up a bit startled. Did I hold you too tight?"

Tae shakes his head and looks at him after kissing his cheek.

JUST FOR ME (TAEKOOK (w)~NAMJIN YOONMINSEOK) OT7 in the EndDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora