CH*84 (Panda Express Anyone)

84 3 1

Yoongi pov:

I put the last serving spoon into the dishes we set out after Joon, Kook, and I get the bags from the delivery person. We decided to set up on the floor and eat in the tv room. I pull out my phone and play some music as everyone settles in on the floor. I feel a hand on my back and look over at Hobi as he smiles at me. I lean over and kiss him as I hand him a Sprite. He smiles at me and looks down. I look up to see everyone watching us. I clear my throat as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Uh here Minnie."

I hand him a Coke.

"What would everyone like? I'll pass the drinks to you."

I watch as Tae shakes his head and reaches over grabbing an Orange Fanta and a Mountain Dew. Joon then reaches over and grabs two Cokes for him and Jin. I then grab myself Pepsi. I look around as everyone starts to pile food onto their plates. Kook giggles as Tae feeds him a piece of chicken. Joon frowns as Jin tries to feed him a piece of broccoli which he gives in and eats with a smile. I take a deep breath as Jimin climbs into my lap. I growl softly at him and he looks up at me surprised. I hear Hobi gasp softly next to me.

"What's wrong Yoongs?"

I look over at him as I frown.

"I don't know. I just feel kind of weird all of a sudden."

I look back and forth between them and then turn to look and the others. I catch Joon's eyes as he watches me. We lock gazes and the feeling intensifies.


I turn to Hobi as he speaks next to me.

"What? Do you know what's going on?"

He looks over at Jin and Joon and then at Tae and Kook then at Jimin. I turn to Jimin as he starts to laugh and shakes his head.

"What is so funny?"


He smiles and looks around as everyone but Hobi gives him a puzzled look.

"Guys,   do you mind if we try something?"

They still look puzzled but no one objects. I look from him to Hobi and they both stand. Jimin walks over to Joon and reaches out a hand to him. He takes it and get's up following Jimin to his previous seat next to me.

"Here sit next to Yoongs. Kook you and Tae scoot over here sit on the other side of Yoongs. Jin come sit next to Joon."

Everyone moves and I watch as Jimin sits next to Jin and Hobi sits next to Tae. I take a deep breath as the feeling goes away. I groan as understanding dawns on me.

"What the hell, we're not even marked?!"

I look over at Hobi as he shakes his head.

"I don't think that matters in terms of hierarchy. It seems it has formed anyway. Is anyone uncomfortable? I mean sitting like this?"

I look down as I feel Joon run his fingers through my hair. Jimin smiles as he looks around at everyone.

"Well to try to explain. In packs, there are established ranks when they live in the wild. Hunters and guards and so forth but there is always an alpha or multiple alphas. Those who lead the pack. During group meals, the alphas usually sit side by side and the rest mingle as they want. This way they can watch over the pack and protect everyone in case of danger. As our bonds strengthen it seems we are forming a hierarchy of our own. At the head of it, our alphas so to speak are Yoongs and Joon. So, when we sat down to eat Yoongs felt unsettled because Joon was so far away."

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