CH*71 (We're Family)

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Hoseok pov:

I am lost in thought as I sit on the couch surrounded by my mates and friends. No, surrounded by my family. I close my eyes as I feel Yoongs lean over kissing my cheek and Jimin reaches down and squeezes my hands at the same time. I am really hoping this is just some sick joke and he is not really coming here. I would rather die than be back with him. My eyes fly open as I hear both my mates gasp. I sink into their holds as they both wrap an arm around me while they rub their chests with their other hand. I am surprised as I look around and see grimaces on everyone's faces as they watch us. I gulp watching everyone.

"I um, did I cause that?"

I feel Yoongs pull me close and kiss my head again. Jimin also snuggles closer in my lap wrapping his arms around me tightly. I watch as everyone shifts closer to us. I feel my eyes widen and I turn to look at Yoongs as he starts to speak.

"Hobi love, I think so. I felt like I couldn't breathe. It physically hurt and didn't ease right away. Even though I already had my arm around you I needed to be closer. I can imagine Jiminie felt the same way. It was like we had lost you, but you were sitting here. I can't speak for the rest of the guys though."

I feel my eyes widen as I remember the thought that had gone through me at that moment. I turn to Kook as he whimpers, and Tae pulls him close kissing his closed lids. He looks at me and gives a sad smile.

"I think I can speak for both Kookie and I when I say it was like a strong sense of dread. Like I was losing something very important and I needed to stop it or find it, do something. But I was gravitated to move toward you as if it were you, I was going to lose."

I shift my gaze to Kook as he nods with his head against Tae's chest. He shifts so we lock eyes.

"Hobi, please know that you... I don't know. You are very important. I don't think we could stand if something happened to you. Do you know why we started feeling like this?"

I swallow and look around at the guys. I frown as I meet Jin's eyes and see tears.

"Hobi, please know we will do everything we can to keep you safe. Just trust us but please be open about your feelings. It sounds like that man was horrible to you and judging by your reaction you are terrified."

I take a deep breath and close my eyes again. I open then looking around at the guys.

"I am terrified. I ...the thought that went through my mind that set everyone off.... was that I'd rather be dead then be with him again. I didn't realize that only thinking something like that would have so strong an affect on any of you. I figured my mates would feel something but... I never thought what I felt was true."

I feel my own eyes fill with tears as I look around at the guys. I drop my head hiding my eyes as I feel them fall.

Yoongi pov:

I watch as Hobi starts to break down and feel his overwhelming emotions. I feel my eyes start to water as well. I look over at Jimin who still has his arms wrapped around him as he silently cries. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to be met with Jin's eyes. His face is covered with tears and I know what he is silently asking me. I back away from Hobi pulling Jimin with me. We both leave a hand on him as he raises his tear covered face and looks at us. Jin pulls his face to look at him. His own tear covered face matching Hobi's. He stares into his eyes for a while before he smiles gently.

"Hobi, I think I understand perfectly why you would be afraid and have the thought you had a little while ago. I also understand as I hope you do, that you won't ever be alone. We will always be there to protect you and help keep you safe. You are a part of a whole now. We all are it seems. Look around Hobi, what do you see?"

He puts his arms around Hobi and places one hand on mine and one on Jimin's We watch as Hobi looks around at everyone and gasps. While he was focused on Jin everyone moved in close ready to help hold us all together. Similar to what we did with Kooks when he talked to him mom. I gasp at the realization.

"Guys, does anyone know when exactly we bonded? We've have been at least since before Kook's conversation with his mom."

I am a bit startled by Tae and Jimin as they both laugh. They turn to each other and share a look. I frown as I look between them. Tae clears his throat and looks at Jimin who nods.

"Well honestly I think this started when we first started to hang out spending time together. We trusted each other and that made it easier to become close. Then once we met Joon and Jin in person the pieces were just lined up perfectly since we did all feel the same way. We were just missing one thing, I think. I mean we already felt like family, so it was bound to happen."

I watch as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. I still don't understand how we could have formed a bond this strong. If we can feel each other's emotions this strong its closer to a mate bond, then familial bond. Though not quite. I don't want to rip everyone apart right now for touching my mates, but I still don't like it. I frown in confusion as Jimin starts to laugh again.

"You have the correct train of thought there my love. Stronger than a familial bond but not quite a mate bond. We formed this bond a while ago. Would anyone like to guess when?"

I continue to frown at him as I turn to Joon as he groans. I hear Jimin giggle and watch him nod in my peripheral. I hope someone answers this question soon. I'm starting to get irritated.

Namjoon pov:

I have to keep myself from facepalming when the pieces fall into place. I groan and shake my head before smiling at my family. I look at Jinnie who still has a hold on Hobi and his mates and watch as his eyes widen. I see Suga's frustration and decide to make sure we all understand.

"Ah, we have formed a family group. We did know that, but we didn't know how strong it was. I'd say if it were possible to have a mate group of 7 of mixed species who didn't want to have sex with each other we were it, but that's essentially where this solidified. We started forming bonds between us with every interaction but that final night, this bond was cemented."

Tae looks over and finally asks what everyone is wondering.

"What night? What do you mean?"

I have to laugh at the irony of him asking the question.

"Tae it was you that set this in play."

"What me?! What did I do?!"

"It's not a bad thing, I'm glad actually. Do you guys remember our end game for Never have I Ever?"

I look around to see several reactions as realization dawns. Though we didn't mate each other, we did mate our mates while in the company of each other. Effectively sending our pheromones throughout the room intertwining us all. Jimin looks around.

"I had heard of that happening within packs before especially in ones that practice the blood moon ceremony still but never between different types of shifters. I'm not complaining though. Hey, we need a name! Or does anyone know if there is a name that exist for animals that travel together but are mixed types?'

I think about this as everyone turns to look at me. I laugh at them.

"Hey, I don't know everything, but I have heard of animals travelling this way in the wild protecting each other. I don't think they have a name though."

Jimin jumps up and down.

"So, like I said we have to come up with one. Any ideas?"

I look around and see everyone seems to be thinking. I'm happy to see no more tears and Hobi has visibly relaxed.

"I guess we can come up with something. This is definitely a first for me. It's really wild."

"Oh, Joon that's it! We can call our group the wild! We are a family group of mixed shifters that will see no harm or ill will come to each other. What do you think too cheesy?"

I smile as I think about it. I look around to see all the guys smiling.

"It does fit. I also think it works for us as in our animal forms we would all wreck some shit."

We all laugh in agreement. We are a family group and we will fight to protect each other. The Wild was born.

JUST FOR ME (TAEKOOK (w)~NAMJIN YOONMINSEOK) OT7 in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now