CH*4 (WTH )

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I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. I picked up my cellphone from the nightstand. Wow, I guess I should be refreshed. I slept for 16 hours and it was now 10 o'clock in the morning! What is the plan for the day, I thought to myself? Well, I have time before I start work. I do need to find an apartment, but I know nothing about this area. Looking out the window I think, I could call that friendly uber driver and see if she is available. It's such a beautiful day though maybe I should just do some walking and site seeing. That way I can get a feel for the land as well as maybe see if there are some places for rent. I really need to talk to Seokjin though and see what kind of budget I'm working with. Since the company is paying the rent for the first six months as part of my relocation package.

Picking up my phone I call Seokjin's number.

"Good afternoon, you have reached Mr. Kim, How may I help you?

"Hello is this Mr. Kim Seokjin? This is Jeon Jungkook."

"Oh, yes good morning Jungkook. You can just call me Jin. How are you today? Did you get settled into your hotel alright?"

"Yes, this place is wonderful, and the staff are really great! I am planning on going out for a bit to do some sightseeing though and take a look around for some rentals. I wasn't entirely sure of what my monthly budget is though as my relocation package covers the first six months. Can you help me with those figures?"

"Actually, you have me to help you with those things but I was thinking you would want to take at least a few days off to relax and have some fun before beginning the work of finding a place before work."

"That sounds great. I don't know anyone here, so I don't have anyone to help show me around. I figured you would be busy at work, so I didn't want to bother you."

"Oh no, that is actually part of my job. I handle all the aspects of helping our new employees who are relocating here. There is also another employee who will be coming in as well. He should be checking in soon. He is from Korea too, but he is from Daegu not Busan like you. If I see him, I will introduce you. If not, you will meet him next week as we will be going to a couple of housing sites together."

"Wow, that's cool. Maybe I will meet him somewhere in the hotel before you have a chance to introduce us. It will be nice to have someone else to talk to who speaks Korean as well as English. Maybe he'd like to do some sightseeing too."

"Yes maybe he would, I can tell you his name. It's Ki... sorry give me one moment someone is knocking on my door."

I wonder what he was going to say his name was and that would be great if I can find him. I could really use a friend. I have a huge secret that is hard to deal with sometimes but having a friend or two helps me distracted. I will really need to do some research on the land structures here. I wonder if I can ask Jin about woody areas without seeming too suspicious.

"Jungkook I'm sorry I have to go. There seems to miss a mix-up with a reservation and I need to get it fixed asap. I will talk to you soon."

"Okay no problem, talk to you later."

I decide to just go for a walk and get some breakfast while I wait for him to get things sorted out. After such a good sleep I am ravenously hungry. I wonder if there are any good Korean restaurants here. I could always go for some pancakes though and I'm sure there must be an IHOP around not too far from here. I take a shower and get dressed. I grab my wallet my key card and my phone before heading out. I step into the elevator and ride it down to the lobby. I walk out of the elevator and stop to say hello to Jimin who is standing off to the side with a luggage trolley. It is full of bags like mine was yesterday.

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