Ch*12 (Show and Tell continued)

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Taehyung pov:

We have made it to question 13, or I guess this would be question 3 of show and tell. My music has helped me relax considerably and I am really enjoying getting to know Jungkook. He seems to be relaxed too. I take my time a really look at him. He is simply beautiful. He is leaned back on the couch right now with his eyes shut listening to the music. I really just want to lean in and kiss him.

"Are you getting tired of the game? We can call it quits if you want."

He opens his eyes and looks at me. A slow smile appearing on his face.

"I'm not tired I just kind of zoned out to the music. I love music and this song is awesome. Is it my turn I seem to have lost track a bit?"

He chuckles at that and so do I.

"Yes, it's your turn, I believe we are on question 13."

"Ah, ok. Hmm can you dance? I think I do ok. Tell me what you think."

He picks up his phone looking for a song it seems, so I turn my music off. He then walks away from me to the other side of the room. He presses play and starts to dance.

I am completely mesmerized by his dancing. He is actually very talented. I could watch him dance all day.

"You are very good. If you were interested in being a dancer, I would attempt to recruit you. As part of my job I have to not only be able to find and showcase talent but also have talent. Here I'll show you what I mean. This is a song I wrote and choreographed. I hear its pretty good. Let me know if you agree."

Jungkook pov:

I am slightly out of breath and decide to grab us both a bottle of water while Tae is getting set up.

He sets his phone up like I did with mine and looks at me before pressing play and getting into position. Then he starts to sing and dance.

I was stunned by his talent. The song the dance his voice, I was blown away. There was no doubt as to why he was in his current position.

"That was just awesome! You are extremely talented. You put my little dance to shame."

"I bet you can sing as well as dance. I told you, I haven't seen any of your pictures yet, but you may be in the wrong line of work. Can you sing?"

"Actually, can carry a tune. I covered this song I think its pretty good. Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes, I would love too."

So, I sang it for him. This song is one of my favorites and I always get a bit emotional when I sing. I gave it my all.

I realized I had closed my eyes while I sang. When I opened them, Tae was just staring at me.

"Hey, come on it couldn't have been that bad."

"No, not bad at all. In fact, it was as beautiful as you are. Why are you not an Idol?"

I laugh at him but feel my cheeks heat up at the compliment.

"I don't think my bear would approve of all the attention and neither would I. I like being behind the scenes capturing beauty. It can be people or scenery just beauty, I would take you picture."

I look away as I feel my cheeks turn even redder. I sit back on the couch; he laughs and joins me.

"You can take my picture anytime you want. I don't mind."

"It's my turn again. Let me think. " 

JUST FOR ME (TAEKOOK (w)~NAMJIN YOONMINSEOK) OT7 in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now