Ch*17 (New Beginnings)

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Jungkook pov:

After we shower and dress in business clothes, we wait to hear back from Jin. We are lounging on the couch of the suite talking when my phone rings.


"Hello Jungkook, it's Jin. I have made a reservation for us at Charley's. Its not far from here. Namjoon and I are in the lobby. You and Taehyung meet us down here when you're ready."

"We are ready. We'll head down now."

Tae and I grab our phones wallets and key cards and head out. We take the elevator to the lobby where we see Jin standing with a man with silver hair. We walk up to them and smile.

 We walk up to them and smile

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"Hi Jin."

"Hello Jungkook. Hello Taehyung. This is my husband Namjoon."

"Oh, Hello both of you. This must have been an awesome decision to bring you both on to the company at the same time!" Namjoon says.

"Oh Joonie, you don't even know the half of it. You are right they are mates but just met here in the hotel."

Jin laughs as Tae and I look at each and then look away blushing.

"You can tell that easily?" Tae asks Namjoon.

"Yes, when you find your mate and actually mate you scents mix. You guys smell like a bowl of vanilla ice cream covered in strawberries." He smiles showing off his dimples.

"Strawberries and cream?" I ask looking at Tae.

He smirks and pulls me aside whispering in my ear.

"I remember you telling me I tasted like strawberries and you definitely taste like vanilla so. It makes sense."

I feel my cheeks flame as I look back at the Namjin couple. They laugh at us again and I look over to see Tae's cheeks equally red.

"Um, I guess we should go."

I say and begin to walk toward the exit. I hear Tae and the others laugh and follow behind me.

We decide to walk since it is such a beautiful day and we still had an hour until our reservation. It was a nice walk where we talked casually. Before I knew it, we had reached the restaurant.

Namjoon pov:

I held the door open and we all walked inside. We were greeted by the hostess and I told her we had a reservation for four under Kim.

"Yes, I have you right here. You table is ready Mr. Kim. Please follow me."

We followed the hostess to a private room. She led us inside and we seated ourselves. She handed us each a menu.

"Would you gentlemen like to start with something to drink?"

"Just waters for now. We'll order drinks once we've had a chance to look over the menu."

"That is perfect. I will tell your waiter to give you a few minutes and they'll be right over."

"That's perfect. Thank you."

After the hostess leaves, we take some time and look over the menu. Everything looks so appetizing. We decide to order several items and share them so we can get a taste of them. I look up, as a green haired male walks over to us.

 I look up, as a green haired male walks over to us

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"Yoongi! Hello again." Jungkook says with a smile.

"Hello Jungkook. Hello Taehyung. Nice to see you guys again." He says.

I am a bit surprised.

"You guys know him?"

"Yes." Taehyung answers a little sheepishly.

"We met him through his boyfriend at the hotel and hung out for a while."

"Yes, that was fun. We should get together again sometime. Maybe we can catch a movie or check out one of the Disney parks."

"I like that idea?" Jungkook says.

"But I thought you and Jimin both worked at the hotel."

"We do but we all have 2 jobs as its kind of expensive to live here and since there are three of us, we like to make sure we have all we need. I am also a music producer on the side but until I can get somewhere with that, we do what we have to." Yoongi answers.

Oh, a music producer that piques my interest as I too produce and write music.

"Yoongi, my name is Kim Namjoon. I am CEO of BTS Entertainment. If you have time before we leave maybe, we can schedule a meeting. I would like to hear more about your producing skills as I am looking for someone new to sign on to the company."

"Sure, that would be great! Are you guys ready to order?"

We give him a list of our dishes we want and order a few bottles of wine.

"Excellent choices. I will put this into the kitchen and be right back with the bottles of wine and glasses."

He leaves and I look around the table.

"So, while we wait let's talk a bit about the relocation package and how I think we can combine them to suit you both."

I look at Taehyung and Jungkook and they both nod at me to continue. I then look to Jin so he can take over. He then opens his briefcase pulling out some documents.

Seokjin pov:

As I place the documents on the table, I separate them into two piles. One for Jungkook and one for Taehyung.

"These are the original packages. Jungkook and Taehyung you were both allotted $100,000 to secure and furnish a place with a rental stipend of $1500 a month. I was thinking you could just combine them Joonie. Then they would have plenty to start with and could find a comfortable space big enough for them both and have all the amenities they would require as shifters. This way they would have $200,000 to put down on a house with a plot of land for there bears to be able to roam with a $3000 a month stipend for their mortgage and utilities."

"That actually sounds good Jinnie. What do you guys think?"

I look over at Taehyung and Jungkook and see them looking back at me with shocked faces and wide eyes.

"I didn't realize we would have so much to work with. I thought it would only be enough for a small apartment." Jungkook says and Taehyung nods in agreement.

I look at Joonie to respond.

"No, we take care of our employees at BTS. We want you to be comfortable and enjoy coming to work and going home. We moved you to a new country in a new environment and want to make the transition as painless as possible."

Just then Yoongi returns with our wine and glasses. He pours a glass from the open bottle and hands it to Namjoon for tasting. He tastes it and nods in agreement. Yoongi then pours us all a glass.

"Let's have a toast. To new beginnings." I say and raise my glass. We clink glasses and take a drink.

JUST FOR ME (TAEKOOK (w)~NAMJIN YOONMINSEOK) OT7 in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now