CH*41 (Congratulations)

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Namjoon pov:

Jin and I walk over to open the door for the real estate agent.

"Hello, thank you so much for meeting with us so late. I know it was an abnormal request."

"Hello, Mr. Kim. Not at all. It's not a problem. You bring us a lot of business and we will always accommodate you. If I understood correctly you want to complete the closing for the two properties you sent me the information on, am I correct?"

"Actually, you are only partially correct. Yes, we called you over to complete the paperwork for those two properties, but it is not us who will be taking over those properties. They are for our employees. They are right over here let me introduce you and we can sit down and go over everything."

"Excellent, I will be happy to get everything done with you guys tonight."

She smiles as I lead her into the living room. I look around to see everyone stand to greet her.

"Guys, this is Amanda the real estate agent I told you about. Amanda this is Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin. They will be taking the first property, and this is Taehyung and Jungkook they will be taking the second property."

She steps forward and shakes everyone's hand greeting them with smiles.

"Wonderful. I am glad we had what you were looking for. You guys are going to love those houses and there is plenty of room for everyone."

I watch as their smiles drop slightly understanding her implication that the properties are for them to share as roommates. I look over at Jin not sure if they want the nature of their relationships disclosed. I smile as he steps forward, and grabs hold of my hand.

"Guys, I'm not sure how much you want brought out into the open, but you can feel comfortable talking to Amanda. She is human but is aware of the shifter world. She is one of the rare cases you find who was born to shifter parents though she is not a shifter herself. She is part of pride of lions that don't live in this community so she will not be surprised by anything."

"Oh, yes gentlemen. You can feel completely comfortable with me. I feel I owe you guys an apology. When Mr. Kim stated you were employees, I assumed you were roommates and that was the reason behind the big places that you choose. Am I correct in assuming that I made a mistake?"

I smile as they visibly relax. Yoongi and Jungkook step forward simultaneously.

"Yes, though it is not uncommon to jump to that conclusion. Hoseok Jimin and I are a mated triad of wolves. We fell in love with that property as it has everything, we would need to fulfill not only our professional dreams with the company but our personal ones as well."

"Taehyung and I feel the same way about the home we chose. We are also a mated pair, but we are bears. This community has everything we need to be able to be ourselves. We are also new to the area and look forward to getting to know our knew home."

I put my arm around Jin holding him close as I watch the guys pull their mates close to them as well. I look over to see a big smile spread across Amanda's face.

"If I may say. I am extremely happy for all of you. It has always saddened me that I was the oddball in my clan not being able to shift or have a mate. Keep each other close and please feel free to call me anytime you need anything. I like to busy myself with the shifters in the community. It lets me feel needed and I'm happy that everyone has welcomed me."

I look around to see everyone smile and nod at Amanda, but Taehyung is frowning. He looks at me with a questioning gaze.

"Taehyung, you seem to be puzzled about something. Are you okay?"

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