Chapter seventy

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Ari's pov

"You know I'm here for you, whenever you finally wake up I'll be here for you," I spoke calmly only half awake as wrapped my finger round him small hand. There was a steady bleeping in the room or a heart rate monitor, the steady sound being the same one I'd woken to some minutes ago. It was an important night, I guess I got a little carried away. "...I hope you wake up soon...I really think you'd like me new friends..especially Soka, she's the best, I love her..." I mumbled while holding the cold hand in my own, my eyes still closed as I lay may head against the sheets. Every time I got back from a mission I looked forward to visiting here. Of course there was plenty of other things I loved doing as well like messing around and training with the others. But well the boy lying in the bed before me was like a brother, and he had saved my life. It was my fault he was here, and I'll be by him everyday I can until he recovers.

"Miss Shimara, it's nearly seven, don't you have somewhere to be.,?" One of the nurses spoke from the doorway, immediately gaining my startled attention. I sat up straight with a jolt as a number of curses my master would blush to know I knew bladed through my head. Quickly I got to my feet and pulled on my jacket, searching across the various knickknacks set to the side for my lightsaber. Finding it near last nights fast food packaging I pulled the hilt over and clipped it to my belt before rushing through the door.

"Thanks! I'll be back to clean up later!" I called back over my shoulder while facing through the halls towards the exit. Ok the window but I mean they're practically the same thing.

Hopping out into the speeder I acquired from Fives last night I sped back towards Padmè's apparent and just prayed Ahsoka wasn't up yet. Pulling up to the window I saw someone stood there waiting and my heart sank. Dear lords if that was one of the masters I was totally busted. Luckily enough however as I drew nearer I realised it was in fact Fives. So he stayed the night? Interesting....

"Finally, I was worried you weren't coming back - where were you Commander?" The trooper asked as I pulled up to the window and hopped up. Fives helped me back through the window and I dusted myself down.

"Uh uh uh, no questions remember? Or I might just ask who that flower was for." I hummed in response with a waggle of my finger and a small smirk. Dealing in secrets was my thing, I wasn't going to crack.

"Fair enough, I'll see you later on commander." The man spoke before climbing out the window and starting up the speeder engine again.

"See you then - oh and don't try using the speeders nav-computer to track where I went, I may be half asleep but I did remember to wipe the computer." I replied while running my fingers through my hair to try and neaten it out. The trooper chuckled with a shake of his head before driving off allowing me to close the window with the force.

Oh shoot I'm meant to be helping a class in ten minutes!

(Y/n)'s pov

"Okay, I'm late for a meeting with the chancellor, I'll see you later love." Anakin spoke kindly while leaning forward forward and placing a quick kiss on my cheek as he slid his robe on. Thankfully Anakin seemed to have got a good nights rest last night for the first time in ages. I however did not, I spent the whole night holding him in my arms and worrying about what the nightmares he spoke of may lead to. Though tired I felt happy to see him wearing a smile again this morning.

"See you then, and don't you even think about checking on me, I'll be completely fine here for the rest of the day." I replied while reaching up to ruffle his hair with a half smile as we headed towards the door. As he opened it up my stomach growled and I pouted down towards it while he just chuckled. Leaning over Anakin kissed the top on my head again before stepping into the doorway.

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