Chapter ninety five

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Three weeks later

"Padmè...I literally just got back from the frontlines: can we do this later..?" I asked tiredly as the woman poked and prodded at my cheeks applying makeup and tugging at my hair. I swear I'd only had about four hours sleep between leaving Anakin on the frontlines and getting back to Coruscant. Between fighting on the front lines; travelling, the press, and the wedding prep, well I was exhausted. Still Padmè insisted I continued with planning the big day even when Anakin wasn't around.

"No this can't wait (y/n): the wedding's in just a couple of weeks, you need a dress and since Anakins away this is the best time to go pick one out." She replied while crouching in front of me as she pulled some of my hair free at the front then adjusted the various pins she placed to hold my hair up. Of course as always she had a fair point, this was the perfect opportunity to go buy a dress without Anakin seeing it before the wedding. Everything else was well on the way to being ready: caterers flying in from Alderaan, decorations being shipped from Padmè's friends in Naboo, and much to Master Windu's disgruntlement the temple hall was being polish for the ceremony.

"Alright alright: can I at least have coffee first?" I asked while stifling a yawn as I thought about all the things still left to prepare. Ahsoka was due back this evening, Padmè and I were planning to surprise her by going shopping for a bridesmaids dress. Apparently Obi wan was going to take Anakin suit shopping at the same time, I wish I could watch that. Knowing Anakin he'd just want to show up in sweats.

"I've already ordered ahead for one: we can pick in up on our way over to the fitting," Padmè replied while walking across and picking up a jacket. I stood up and lazily slipped my arms through the sleeves as Padmè stood behind me, tugging the jacket up over my shoulders once I was in. I sighed and went to rub my eyes only to have Padmè grab hold of my wrists. "Ah ah ah: you'll wreck your make up, don't make me put you in binders because I will." She spike narrowing my eyes as she waved my manicured hands away from my face. I don't even remember getting my nails done at this point.

" know I learnt how to get out those things right..?" I responded raising a brow and smirking slightly as I looked towards her. She rolled her eyes with a laugh and picked up her bag - the one she packed specifically with all our wedding plan books, the one three times the size of her usual clutch.

"Military tactics won't help you with me (y/n): you know that," she teased in response slipping the bag on up over her shoulder. She then placed a hand on my shoulder and guided my out the dressing room in her apartment towards the hall. "Now come on: we have plenty to get done, the dress fitting's just the beginning, we have to meet with the florist, the senate orchestra would like to play you a few sample pieces to decide from and the tailor needs to speak with you about the clones shit order, something about how they all want something different." Padmè hummed as we made our way across her lavish apartment then out the door into the halls of the complex. I groaned hearing all the items to complete on her life. It may not have seemed like a lot but I already knew more stuff would crop up throughout the day. Knowing my luck Ari's sitter would probably cancel last minute Coruscant would catch fire and Mace Windu and I would get stuck in an elevator together, that's just the way things went. Still: thinking positively...actually no, far to tired to do that. Let's just hope out of all those things the lift one doesn't happen...

We soon made it to the car and I'll admit I'd completely zoned out from listening to the seemingly endless list of wedding decision Padmè was talking about. I was just so tired, in fact nearly as soon as she started driving I closed my eyes for a quick snooze. Of course though moments later I was rudely awakened by a rolled up newspaper to the face, though my mood improved when I saw we were picking up coffee. After that I actually listened to what Padmè had to say, my interest peeked when she talked about throwing me a premarital party. Shortly after that we arrived at the not so small dress shop where a doorman showed us through the to front desk of a polished marble lobby where a receptionist was already waiting to take us through to a private room it seemed Padmè had booked in advance.

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