chapter 48

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The astronomy tower. Once a safe haven.
Then an inferno-a cold and dark place I couldn't step foot in alone.
Then, a dangerous temptation that loomed over my head-oh how appealing the idea of jumping seemed.
And now, it was just a place.

No feeling. No significance. Just a place. A location. A stone tower. Futile with no other purpose than to observe the stars and planets.

"Looking at the stars or the darkness?"

I glanced over my shoulder.

There he is.

After all this time, there he was.

It had been so long since I felt the warmth extending from his soul. Since his touch ignites tiny fires along my nerves. Since the sound of his heart beat played as my very own orchestra.

Draco slowly approached me, his hands tucked into the pockets of his grey sweatpants.


Draco turned to lean against the railing in front of me. A small smile played on his lips, light as a feather. "Here you are."

My head tilted to the side. "And here you are."

Draco looked at me for a long moment, as if re-engraving me into his mind. "You're okay."

I don't know if that would be accurate.

I shrugged lightly. "I suppose I am."

He nodded once. "And how have you been?"

The question, although sounding simple, was far more intricate. I was transparent to him. He could recognize the demons lurking behind my eyes; nobody else could. He saw my scars were still unhealed, whereas everyone else thought they could be mended with something as simple as a bandage.

His question, although straightforward, was looking for the truth. And the truth was anything but straightforward.

I glanced at the sky behind him, clicking my tongue. "I've been-coping." I couldn't lie to him. That was the closest to the truth I could extend.

He nodded slowly, thoughtful. "Coping. How?"

I avoided meeting his eyes. "As one does."

Pills. Drugs. Numbing myself.

Draco paused for a long moment. "Are you going to mock me if I admit that I missed you?"

A smile broke loose on my face. The fluttery feeling that swirled in my stomach did not just confirm how hopelessly in love I was-but it also comforted me, knowing that I had not become entirely desensitized. Maybe to other things, but not when it came to Draco.

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