52-Heart Broken

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This chapter is going to be difficult for some of you and for that I apologize.. but this has been planned for some time and as always, there is a method to my madness 💕 and I'm not ashamed to admit I cried like a baby writing this.

Vader's/Anakin's POV
I landed on Byss.

My heart was beating rapidly, to the point to where I thought it was going to burst from my chest, and I was currently holding in the bile that wanted to escape my stomach. I had a habit of assuming the worst, the worst being that he knows about (y/n). I don't know how he would, we've been so careful, other than a few mishaps, but those people are dead now. I couldn't think of anything else that it could possibly be, all I know it that it can't be something good if it's coming from him.

I took a deep breath as I pushed in the door that led to his throne room. I flinched when I entered, due to the greeting that I'm used to having, but to my surprise, that's not what I was met with.

He was sitting on his throne with a devious smile on his face, "Happy Birthday." He gestured to a figure in front of him, someone I didn't see or feel until just now since I was too focused on my own nerves and thoughts. My breath caught in my throat as I gazed upon his bloody broken state, "I found this, well not found, he actually came to me. He thought he would be able to sneak in and kill me." Sidious cackled and my eyes never left the idiot in front of him.

What the hell is wrong with you.

Song on top starts here.

His green eyes looked up and met my gaze, Sidious spoke again, "I thought I'd give you the pleasure of killing the man who betrayed you, your old master." He kicked at Obi-Wan who fell down a few steps and landed on the floor roughly. He pushed himself up from the floor slowly and spat blood onto the metal ground.

I looked from him and back up to Sidious, feeling a heart wrenching pain in my chest, "Thank you Master." I pushed out as I gazed back onto Obi-Wan. Why would he come here and attempt such a stupid thing? He had to know that he would fail.

"If you don't mind Lord Vader, I would like to watch you kill him." He spoke in a menacing tone as he leaned back and observed us.

He was testing me, again.

So I have two options, I don't kill him; thus sealing my own doom and I'd be leaving (y/n) behind. Or I do kill him; like I've always wanted to.. right? He's done countless things to me that are unforgivable, including kidnapping my wife, twice.

I know what I need to do, I just hope I have the strength enough to do it.

"Of course Master." I stepped forward until I towered over Obi-Wan and I picked him up by his collar so we were face to face. His eyes said it all, he knew what was going to happen. I shook my head at him with a sigh as I scanned his face to see the multitude of bruises and cuts. Sidious had him tortured before I arrived.

We had a conversation, one that Sidious wouldn't be able to hear.

A/V:Why couldn't you just stay away?

O: I wanted to free you. For once, I wanted to do something right by you.

A/V: I already told you before, I will never be free.

O: I had to try.

A/V: You're such an idiot. You know what I have to do now don't you? I can't disobey him.

O: I know Anakin and it's okay. I already forgive you.

I felt tears come to my eyes, I don't know why I felt so heart broken. I've been wanting to kill this man for years, but now that's in front of me. It's proving to be so much more difficult than I could have possibly imagined, "What's taking so long Lord Vader; can you not do it?" Sidious spat in an annoyed tone.

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