64- Salvation

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When it comes to Byss, I have a different image of it than how it may be in canon or legends. Instead of a city image, I have more of a nature view. Kind of like Kashyyyk or even Endor. I consider it to be a place where the Emperor likes to go to be isolated from the population.

This is longer than usual btw at about 4000 words ♥️

Anakin's POV
I finally landed on Byss; I could already feel him and luckily, I could feel her too, so I know she's alive. I have no doubt that he already knows I'm here, I wasn't exactly being subtle. It's finally time that I do what I was born to do, destroy the Sith and be the balance within the force. I wasn't afraid for my own life at this point, I accepted the fact that there is a high chance I'm going to die here today. I'm only worried about her, she's my number one priority and she has to survive this.

She deserves to have her happy ending, even if it's not with me.

I breathed out a nervous, heavy breath while I mentally prepared myself, "We'll be with you the whole time." Obi-Wan lifted his hand to place it on my shoulder and much to my surprise; I felt it.

"I won't leave you, not this time." Ahsoka placed her hand on my other shoulder; I felt her hand too.

I smiled as I took turns looking into both of their eyes, "Thank you." I held back a few tears while I silently reminisced on moments similar to this one while we were in the clone wars. We were a damn good trio; now I may soon join them in the afterlife.

They both smiled with a reassuring nod. Having their support, and feeling their energy within the force was giving me more confidence and strength to what I had to do.

I moved away from their ghostly touch and lowered the ramp down; the natural smells from the planet hit my nostrils instantly. Byss was always a beautiful planet, filled with flowers, trees, and so much beautiful life. It's such a shame that it inhabits the most vile being in the galaxy; it's not a very fitting place for him.

I gripped the handle of the  purple lightsaber instead of the red one and pulled it off of my belt to have it ready. I stepped cautiously towards the tall building and the dark side of the force was growing stronger with each step.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid, but it's something I have to fight though, it's time to get my girl back.


I was immediately met with over a dozen clone troopers who fired on me the moment I stepped through the doors. I ignited my purple blade and effortlessly deflected their shots back to them. Hitting some; missing others. Either way, their numbers were diminishing at a quick rate.

Both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were walking by either side of me as I made my way down the hall to Palpatines 'throne room.' The place he liked to sit and do absolutely nothing while I ran this galaxy and the war myself. He just liked the idea of having it in the palm of his hands, he didn't actually care about it or anyone for that matter. He only lusted power, which is about to be the cause for his downfall.

The clones in the hall were taken care of easily enough. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the floor where he was; I sighed as my chest tightened uncomfortably from my nerves, "Do you feel that?" Ahsoka asked both Obi-Wan and I; while I waited for the doors to open.

I shook my head as I looked to her curiously, "Feel what?"

"It's another force user, I can feel them." Her eyes were moving around while she stared off into deep thought, "Let me make sure he doesn't have any surprises waiting for you in there." She faded away quickly before I could say anything.

Salvation || Anakin Skywalker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now