Shacklebolt and Tonks

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Hari was walked to McGonagall's office by Remus to find Sirius lying on the floor ranting and the two aurors looking incredibly tired of him.

"Fudge this and Fudge that! I run this department not him! We even used viritaserum and he's trying to pretend Voldemort isn't back!? Bullsh- Oh hi Hari." He paused in his rant, looking up at her. "You're here to make statement on what happened if that's ok with you."

Hari nodded

"Let me introduce you to my team first though. This," He pointed to a young woman with a heart shaped face and bright turquoise short spiky hair, "is Tonks, say her first name and she'll stab you."

"Wotcher Hari! I've heard a lot about you from my annoying cousin here." She pocked Sirius in the ribs with her black platform boots.

"You're the annoying one." Sirius muttered, still lying on the floor. "anyways, this is Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"It's nice to meet you Potter."

#) Nice to meet you too. (#

"Back to important matters," Kingsley said, "are you willing to be put under the influence of viritaserum? Your godfather will stop you from saying something that is too personal. Dumbledore told us not to do this but both your legal guardians have control, not him."

#) I consent to having viritaserum used on me under the condition that Sirius Black and Remus Lupin can stop a question if they feel it is to personal or if I will give away something harmful to my safety. (# She stuck out her tongue so they could administer three drops of veritasirum.

Kingsley administered the potion and Tonks pulled out a self writing a pen, setting it on some parchment on the table.

"Are you Hari Lily Potter, born on July 31, 1980 to Lily Rose Potter nee Evans and James Fleamont Potter?"

#) Yes (# Hari was forced to answer.

"Were you forced to to participate in the Triwizard tournament against your will?"

#) Yes (#

"At the end of the last task did you and Cedric Diggory take the cup together?"

#) Yes. (#


#) We saved eachothers lives and decided to work together, we are-(# she shut her eyes, pressing her hand to her face, #) were really good friends. (#

"Where where you taken by the cup?"

#) The cup was a portkey that took us to a graveyard. (#

"What happened there?"

#) Antony Dolohov was there, he stunned Cedric. I thought he had killed him. He then forced my to drink an imperious potion. (#

"Hang on, you were force fed an imperious potion?"

#) Yes. (#

"How are you alive and sane?"

#) I don't know how to answer this question. I simply broke through the compulsion. (#

"You broke-" Kingsley was shocked, "You broke trough an imperious potion?"

#) Yes. (#

"That's nearly impossible to do. I- We'll come back to that when you aren't on the potion anymore. You passed out yes? What happened when you woke up, you woke up yes?"

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