First task party

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That evening there was a party in the Gryffindor common room. There were mountains of cakes and flagons of pumpkin juice and butterbeer on every surface; Lee Jordan had let off some Filibuster's Fireworks, so that the air was thick with stars and sparks; and Dean Thomas, who was very good at drawing, had put up some impressive new banners, most of which depicted Hari, though a couple showed Cedric with his head on fire. Hari just wanted to sleep.

"Blimey, this is heavy," said Lee Jordan, picking up the golden egg, which Hari had left on a table, and weighing it in his hands. "Open it, Potter, go on! Let's just see what's inside it!"

Lee passed Hari the egg, and she dug her fingernails into the groove that ran all the way around it and wedged it open.

It was hollow and completely empty - but the moment Harry opened it, everyone around her flinched add covered their ears. Hari was confused, until Ron slammed it shut.

#) What happened? (# Hari asked.

"Sounded like a banshee." said Seamus Finnigan, staring at the egg. "Maybe you've got to get past one of those next, Potter!"

"It was someone being tortured!" said Neville, who had gone very white and spilled sausage rolls all over the floor. "You're going to have to fight the Cruciatus Curse!"

"Don't be a prat, Neville, that's illegal," said George. "They wouldn't use the Cruciatus Curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing . .. maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower."

• • •

People kept coming up and congratulating her, tired of this, Hari made her way up to her dorm. She opened the door just to walk into Hermione, Pavarti and Lavender who all started congratulating her as well. 

Sick and tired of being bothered and exhausted, a tiny brown fox flitted through the common room. 

[Fred's POV]

Fred felt something touch his leg. He looked down and saw a tiny brown, orange and black fox. It pawed his leg again. He was confused as to why a fox was in the Gryffindor common room. The he noticed its unusual eyes, they were emeralds. He recognized them from somewhere, then he realized, ohhhhh.... this was Hari's animagus form. She was so cute!

He scooped up the small animal, placing her on his lap where she immediately curled into a ball. He continued to read his book, absentmindedly stroking the incredibly soft orange fur. 

"Wachu got there Fred?" George asked right in his ear. 

Fred stood up and placed the fox against his chest under his cloak and left the room, George following him as the fox snuggled into his sweater. 

He made his way up to their dorm, sitting down on his bed, the now almost asleep fox still in his arms.

"So," George said, sitting down across from him. "Why do you have a random fox?"

Fred flicked his wand, closing the curtains around them. "Muffliato."

"It's not a random fox." Fred said as the sleepy fox snuggled into his lap again. "It's Hari."

George looked down at the fox in Fred's lap again, taking in her orangy brown and black fur.

"Wow!" he said, "Are you sure?"

Fred nodded, still stroking the soft fur. "Her eyes are like emeralds, especially without glasses, it wasn't hard to recognize them." Then he had an idea. "Come to think of that, we should get her some of that eye potion we saw. We may not be able to afford it, but we can at least research it."

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