After the cup

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Hari, after looking everywhere for the Malfoys and having found they had disappeared, then went looking for the Weasleys. Cedric followed her around for at least an hour as she as she searched frantically around the campsite. She was shaking so badly, she'd been abandoned, again. Completely forgetting Cedric was there, she crouched down, wrapping her hands around her knees.

Cedric stepped in front of her, squatting down nest to her. "Why don't you just come with me?"

Hari blinked, wiping her eyes. #) What? (#

"Just come join my family for a bit, and my mother can get you home." 

"Oh, thank you."

He extended a hand to her. She took it and he pulled her to her feet. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he lead her through the destroyed campground. He lead her to the edge of the campground, before tightening his grip on her shoulder and apperating. 

The squishing twisting feeling ended as she landed on a white tiled floor. She looked around the room. It was a kitchen, rather cosy, with a sort of rustic feel. Just then woman who could only be Cedric's mother ran into the room.

She looked sort of like Mrs Weasley, but her wavy mouse brown hair was long and loose, and her face showed less of the age of raising seven children.

She threw herself at Cedric, wrapping him in a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright. I saw the paper and I was so worried." After a minute she looked at Hari. "Who's this?" She asked of Cedric, smiling."

"This is Hari Potter, she's a friend of mine."

"It's nice to meet you dear! I'm Ellen, Cedric's mother." She said, pulling Hari into a hug.

" She said, pulling Hari into a hug

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#) It's nice to meet you too. (# Hari said.

"Hari's here cause she couldn't find the Weasley's after the riot." Cedric informed his mom, "So I offered her to come with me."

"Wonderful, you couldn't have made a better decision!" She glanced at the clock, "Oh my! It's 6:30 am already, no point in sleeping. You might as well have breakfast with us Hari, and then we can contact Molly for her to come pick you up."

"Actually could you contact Remus Lupin instead?"

Ellen nodded, flicking her wand. "He should get the message shortly."

"You're staying with Professor Lupin?" Cedric asked, his eyes lighting up. 

#) Yeah, Remus and my godfather. (#

"Your godfather?" Cedric asked as his mother bustled around the kitchen making breakfast.

#) Sirius Black. (#

"Oh. He's free and working for the ministry right?"

#) Yeah. (#

Ellen slid a plate of toast, eggs and sausage in front of the two teens. Hari looked down at the giant plate of food, before selecting the smallest piece of toast she could and nibbling it.

She had barley made her way through half her piece of toast by the time Cedric was taking seconds. She pushed her plate away, "Thank you for breakfast."

"Are you sure you're not hungry dear?" Ellen asked her.

Hari nodded, "Thank you for breakfast."

Just then the fireplace flared and Remus entered. He glanced around quickly and then ran to Hari, enveloping her in an unexpected hug. "Hari, I was so worried. I saw the paper and...."

#) I'm fine Remus, I got lost but Cedric made sure I was ok. (#

"Thank you Diggory." He said, nodding to him.

"Thank you as well Ellen. How's you're sister doing?"

"She's doing really well. She wanted me to thank you next time she saw you."

"Oh, thank you."

"Would you like some tea Remus?"

"Yes that would be lovely thank you."

•  •  •

After tea, Hari and Remus floo'd back to Grimauld Place. As she stepped out of the fireplace she was engulfed in a hug.

"Pronslette! You're ok! Ellen's message said you were, but still."

"Yeah Sirius, I'm fine."

Hiya, this chapter was more of a filler, kinda short sorry, but the next one will be longer.... probably...... if I get my essay done in time.....

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