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Audrey's POV.

"You heard the new economics professor would be joining by tomorrow!" Lavender squealed.

Lavender is your typical queen bee. Blonde, beautiful with pouty lips and a long line of boys confessing to her which she, very cold-heartedly, rejects and brags about. Approach her for any gossips. She always know about everything and everyone, somehow she does.

"I heard he is so handsome," Mia joined her 'bestfriend'.

" And rich too.." Maya confirmed.

Mia and Maya are both twin sisters and ofcourse Lavender's  best friends. But I see them more like as post box for lavender as they are either collecting information about others for her or delivering her messages to other. Basically side kicks.

In response I just groaned to their annoying chattering and turn back to my desk. Taking my seat on first row, where I and my bestfriend Vivienne sits usually. She is running late today, again! And I was waiting for her when Lavender waved at me to go to her. Just to hear them drool over our new economics professor.

In these past two weeks, I have heard so much about him, these people have seriously lead me to believe that our new teacher is the best youngest male to ever arrive on earth and we are lucky to cross paths with him. Now these gossips are literally getting on my nerves and my current mood is dangling between two states, first- I am excited and restless to meet him. There is something in the way pupil are talking about him which made him intriguing in my eyes.
Second- I just want to break all of their noses because they are starting to irritate me now. I am tired of listening them boasting about one person whole day. And that said person isn't even introduced to us yet!

I spotted some motion in my peripheral and before I could react Lavender plopped down on the seat to my right. Vivienne's seat actually. She is gonna kill her! With Mia and Maya standing behind her.

"Hey! What do you think about him having a girlfriend?" Lavender twisted a strand of her golden blonde hair in her in index finger, chewing lightly on her gum.

"Um.." I licked my lower lip, speechless and waiting for Vivienne to arrive sooner.

"Maya is challenging me that he has and I am contradicting her. You wanna bet?" She continued, now blowing in her chewing gum before popping the bubble between her lips.

Someone dumped their bag on the desk to my left and I jumped in my seat.

"Sorry, didn't intended to startle you!" Mars, my other seat mate apologized.
He is an asian boy a year or two older than us to which he claims he dropped some years after high school. His shoulder length black curly hair tied in a bun, his broad built was covered in a faded sky blue shirt and black jeans hanging low on his waist. From the unbuttoned collar of his shirt, I could see a tattoo on his neck and collarbone. It was some sort of two hands trying to reach out for each other, an infinity sign was inked in the distance that was between both hands and at the corner of that infinity sign was the words 'alive' tattoed. A small smile played on his lips as he scratched the back of his neck.

When my eyes met his pit black ones he diverted his gaze away. Like he isn't able to hold the eye contact between us. I smiled back at him," It's okay!" I assured him as he took his seat beside me.

"Creep!" Lavender whispered in my ears and I glared at her to shut up.

Yes he gives me a bit of creeps, there is this aura about him which makes me feel that he is harmless but then again there is always a look in his eyes like he is hiding something, from me, from the world. But that doesn't mean I will admit this thing to anyone especially to her. She is a gossiping bitch, it won't take a second for her to spread rumours about me calling Mars a creep and add some salt and pepper to the story just to degrade him. Plus, I know he likes Vivienne. I have caught him many times sneaking glances in our way. Even when we are in cafeteria, he is always sitting in the  direction which gives him a clear view to her. He is just too shy to admit this. And lavender is just jealoused because he don't gives a fuck a about her.

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