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The rest of the practice went by like that, me trying to perform and professor correcting me to be louder and dramatic. Which was tiring for me. I was so exhausted by the time I finished practice that I couldn't find it in me to walk to bus station. So Vivienne proposed to drop me home today. And I was more than happy to accept her on her offer. It saved me from bus fare atleast.

So taking my seat in the passenger seat of her car, I sighed in exhaustion. "I was thinking of spending the night at your house today. " She announced, eyes focused on the road.

" That would be great," I smirked at her, "you can help me in cleaning today. "

She chuckled at my response," I know you're going to have me do all your work while you sit and binge your favourite web shows. "

I snorted," I am not that cruel. " A soft smile playing on my lips as I know that she is right.

She huffed, rolling her eyes, "Yeah I know."

"Wake me up when we reach there.." I trailed off. My eyes closing on its own accord, exhaustion engulfing me.


A light tap at my shoulder had me jerking up into consciousness. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of sleepiness from my drooping eyes, yawning loudly as I faced Vivienne. "We are there." She chirped.

A scowl emerged on my face as I find her enthusiasm irritating now. She too had practice all day and not to mention those posh photoshoots. How come she is so energetic whereas I feel like a pregnant panda.

Parking her car, she exited the vehicle and gestured for me to do the same. When I didn't followed her out, she walked over to my way and ripped open the car door,"Come out now." She urged me to step out while pulling at my wrist.

I groaned while snatching my wrist from her grasp. Shooting her a quick glare, I lead the way to my apartment with a chuckling Vivienne at my heels.

We walked in sync towards my apartment which was on third floor simultaneously gossiping about recent topics, most recent of them were the bitter eyes that Lavender was passing to me throughout today.

"It's strange she didn't said anything to you saved from some dirty glares." Vivienne voiced out her thoughts and I nodded without looking at her. My attention was on my hands as they were shoved into my bagpack, searching for the keys to my apartment.

The keys were entangled with my ear phones, I tentatively picked them out and started untangling them subsequently replying her,"Yeah, it appeared strange to me-" I was cut off suddenly when I tried to insert the keys in the keyhole, instead was met with the swift movement of the door as it creaked open on its own.

My mouth hang open as nervousness mixed with fear settled in my stomach, churning it upside down.

"You forgot to lock your apartment," Vivienne voiced out my fears coming forward as she touched my arms and gave it a light shake,"How could you be so irresponsible?" She screeched.

I ignored her, as I stepped into my house, eyes squinted as I thought the view would be too despicable to handle for me. Once again hit by shock as I took in the fine condition of my house, and by fine I mean the exact way I left it this morning.

"Thank god, no one intruded here. Otherwise your carelessness would have proven fatal." Vivienne sighed while patting her chest in assurance.

I on the other hand was taken aback, my legs were moving on its own as I felt like my mind was lost. I entered my room and bathroom respectively, no, nothing. No sign of intrusion. Everything clearly screamed of my carelessness and irresponsibility of forgetting to lock the door. But even this assurance was not enough to bring relief to me. I know, I didn't forget to lock the door. I double checked the lock this morning, how could it be left open then?

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