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I struggled to button my denim shorts,  groaning hard in the process. Once it was tucked, I quickly pulled out an oversized blue formal shirt with white lines and tucked the hem in. Curling my hair in loose curls, I pinned one side behind my ear, and hurried to put some makeup on.

After two long days of feeling weak and sick, I was finally back to life. Literally! And it feels so good to breathe without the feeling of a dry throat. Gulping down a glass of milk, I shoved some slices of toast down my throat before picking up my bagpack and leaving the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me.

Lucky day, I found a vacant seat in the bus and immediately claimed it mine. Broad daylight and fresh air is a rare combination for Pittsburgh, especially in Autumn, so I made sure to spend my whole day cherishing it and my newfound energy after three long bed ridden days.

The bus pulled to an abrupt stop near my stop due to some technical issues and I groaned. Here goes my lucky day! Still not letting this little problem bother me, I stepped out of the vehicle and covered rest of the route by walking.

The very first face that greeted me was Vivienne, who was waiting for me near the gate of our university. Upon seeing me, she instantly rushed to me and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much!" She squealed.

I too returned her enthusiasm,"Same pinch Vivi." Untangling from her grasp, I clutched her hands and squeezed it softly. "How are you?"

She rolled her eyes,"Have been on a detox diet lately." She patted her nonexistent tummy,"Mom has contacted her friend who is an editor of cosmopolitan magazine. Now she wants me to be in my best shape before the photoshoot."

I audibly gasped," By being in shape in you mean starving yourself till you starts looking like a scare-crow?"

She laughed my statement off," It's fine Audrey. Lately I have been very lazy about my workouts and had multiple cheat days. I am a bit out of shape now. No model looks like this." I clenched my jaws as my gaze swept all over her bone-y structure before settling over my thirty inches waist and I shook my head. I can't begin to imagine what Aella must have told her to make her believe that she is oversized for a model. Vivienne is clearly so brainwashed and have so many insecurities although she has a die-for figure.

"I would rather have you a plus size model than letting you starve to death in the name of dieting." I puckered my lips in dejection.

She just waved me off and curled her arms around mine,"Come, let's go in."

I mentally convinced myself to drop the subject because no matter how much I try, I cannot make her see past her manipulative mother.

"Alright then. I am sure lavender would be ecstatic to see me alive." We both giggled subsequently making our way to our lockers.

Mars was leaning against my locker while typing something on his phone as we approached him. A dejá vu hit me as I remember him standing there when I last came to University. An instant smile light up my face as I remember his sweet gesture that day and reminded myself to thank him.

"Hey Mars." Vivienne greeted him. He looked up from his mobile, he glanced at Vivienne and almost instantly his gaze swept to my face, his dark eyes twinkling.

"How are you now Audrey?" He politely asked.

Vivienne waved her hands infront of his face,"Hello I am here!"

I chuckled,"I am fine and it was Vivi who greeted you first."

"I know," he mumbled something under his breathe before returning Vivienne's greetings and turned his attention once back to me. Taking this opportunity I began to thank him,"Thank you Mars for that day."

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