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Vincent drove me back to my apartment after our breakfast. There was this sudden uneasiness in his demeanor that was making my stomach churn in dread. Was he regretting us ?

No way...

I closed the door of my apartment after me, locking it securely while thousands of negative thoughts attacked my mind.

After composing myself a bit, I took a look around my living room, and my face scrunch up in disgust. I really should manage some time from my day and clean this shit up. I glared at the stash of clothes dumped on the old couch, the small mountain of dirty dishes and the dust laden carpets.

I had cleaned it just two days ago for freak's sakes!

Groaning in protest, I walked towards the opened window and cursed myself for being so careless and leaving it open for a whole night. Not that there's some hidden treasure here, barely fifty dollars. I store all my salary in bank accounts itself.

As I peeked through the window, I was stunned to see professor leaned against his car, and staring at my window.

I immediately picked up my phone and called him.


"You look beautiful looking down the window." There was a smirk playing on his lips as he spoke through the line. His eyes fixed on my face.

"You haven't left yet?"

He shook his head slowly, "I am about to leave." With that I hung up the call and waved him goodbye.

After a minute or two of an intense staring session, he finally left. I sighed heavily, already missing him.

With one last glare at the spilled coke can lying on the coffee table, I made my way to my room. Pushing the whole cleaning thing to some other day, I decided to change first.

I slid a thin white t-shirt over my head and stepped into my purple panties as I flopped down on my bed and decided to watch some dramas online.

The same time the doorbell of my house rang and I groaned in annoyance.  I wanted to rest!

Tossing my phone aside, I slipped my pink bathrobe over my filmsy shirt and walked to the door.

Upon opening the door, I didn't even got the chance to see who it was as I was directly attacked by someone. His lips were plastered on mine and before I can push him away, his scent hit me like a reminder and I moaned in delight.

He closed the door after him with his foot and cornered me against the wall, his lips ravishing mine hungrily.

He nipped at my lower lips, demanding for entrance and I felt bold. I opened my mouth and legs altogether for him as I started grinding on him.

"You still smell of me," he groaned into my mouth and I felt my legs turning into jelly.

I grind against him relentlessly to the point that he broke the kiss and threw his head back, his eyes tightly squeezed together and he tried to regulate his breathing.

I don't know what took over me, but I kept my hip's rhythm steady,  heat building up in my belly.

Feeling brave, I placed my hands against his chest and pushed him on the couch. Crawling over him, I planted opened mouth kisses on his jaw to his chest, my tongue darted out as I reached his toned abs, licking the hard biscuits on his stomach.

He sat up with his elbows supporting his upper body up. Burying his hands into my hair, he pulled me closer to his lips and instantly locked my already swollen lips around his.

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