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I missed the bus today! Can you believe me?! I was already running late and cherry on top I missed the bus by two freaking minutes. All I want to do is pull my hair out in frustration. Lack of sleep was harder to deal with than I expected as it clearly hindered my daily routine.

Due to fatigue, I knew I won't be able to walk a foot, so I had to book a cab. Here goes another dollar bill for absolutely nothing! First the needless lock change and now the cab fare, what an extravagant way to end a month!

I just received a call from Dayton and to say that I got an earful from him would be the biggest understatement of the century. He was on the verge of firing me, he was that furious. All because he thinks that in my mind I am the owner of this place just because the owner has a little crush on my sexy ass—I swear he admitted, what a freaking confession—he also accused me of irresponsibility just because I skipped work yesterday. I know I was in wrong to skip work like that, but I was scared to return to that neighborhood after knowing that some stalker who I know was from the bar, broke into my house! And guess what? It happens that there was no stalker but my carelessness. And because of that I was about to lose my job. Now tell me can you believe it?!

Thank goodness, Dayton cares for his bar more than his anger for me. He said that I am good for his bar and my melodious voice has earned him dollars these past few months, and considering that he is sparing me just this once. And only one chance is all I need to stand back up again!

Hopping out of the cab, I paid the driver and thanked him for his service before walking to the university, hoping to find Vivienne lurking near the gate like usual to greet me. When I was unable to spot her anywhere, I called her. To which she didn't attend and I was left on voicemail. I hung up the call and remembered the condition I left her in yesterday, goosebumps covering my skin as I remember her agonised cries rang up my head.

Deciding to not dwell on it much, I walked to auditorium M. Sighing in relief when I spot everyone memorizing their scripts again.
My eyes roaming all over the cluster of students to trace the one and only teacher who has so discreetly touched my heart. The corner of my lips turned down in disappointment when I didn't find him anywhere.

"Searching for someone?" A deep sultry voice whispered in my ear, his breathe fanning my earlobe as I jumped in surprise. As I turned to look back, my arm slightly graze against his green shirt clad chest, a small groan left from the back of his throat, his lips curved up in a smirk as his baby blue eyes blinked innocently at me. What a bad actor! I internally rolled my eyes at his fake innocence. I may not know him the best but I know he is not so innocent.

Craning my head up was too much of an excercise for my already tired body, so I took some steps back so that I can get a better look at him. The way his brows knitted together in a not so pleasant frown, I knew he didn't like the distance between us much but didn't made any move to eliminate it.

Well likewise.

There was a familiar eagerness in his demeanor today. Either he was in a good mood or he is happy to see me. Since the last one was what I wished for, I would go with the former one which sounds much logical. However his eagerness wasn't one sided, I was equally happy to see him again as if we haven't seen each other since a long time. For me it was the latter one.

"I am on time today," I grinned at him. Hoping that he would be pleased that I have kept my words today.

"Congratulations then." He bemoaned flatly. My heart dropped at his lack of response, a quiet sigh left my lips as I puckered them in a pout.

I noticed as professor's eyes lingered at my lips for longer as they then shifted to the distance I had maintained between us before a scowl overpowered his features, his one eye brow shot up in irritation as he continued,"Don't waste time here, go and practice, we will be practicing the death scene today." His scowl deepened and I was taken aback by the amount of irritation that laced his tone.

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