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Happy birthday Queen-Desh


The horrendous sound of a machine beeping jolted me into consciousness. Startled and confused I took in the pale walls and sanitizer reeking surroundings as realisation slowly settled in.

I am in a hospital room.

Last time I checked I came here for Vincent and freaked out. The two nurses from earlier probably have brought me in here.

As if on cue, the door to the small room creeked opened and a mid-age man wearing white scrubs came in with two nurses trailing behind him.

There was a notepad in the nurse's hand as she started taking a note of my vitals and all.

"How are you feeling Ms. Markle now?" The man who I am assuming is a doctor spoke up first. He continued,"I am Dr. Brown. You were brought to my attention when you fainted near the OT."

"What happened to me Doctor? How long was I out ?" I was curious to know what actually went down with me.

"Uh, about that. You were out for a four hours. And about your health, it was nothing concerning.  I would say a minor anxiety attack. However your vitals and energy levels are very low. I am assuming you're absolutely not serious about your diet," the doctor's eyes narrowed as he stared at me through his thick glasses.

I looked down in my lap and asked instead,"when can I leave?"

"I would suggest you to rest."

"I can do that at my home as well." I stated through gritted teeth getting restless already. I need to go out and see Vincent.  I am feeling I will freak out once again if I don't see him anytime soon.

"Yes you can. I will be prescribing you some medicines. It will be better if you take them on time and take care of your diet. Weakness probably was the reason why you fainted out there." With that he scribbled something on that notepad and handed it to me.

"Dr. Brown, what about my hospital bills and your fees?"

"About that, you can pay it on the reception desk." Then Dr. Brown gestured for the nurse behind him and she started taking out the almost empty IVs from my forearm.

After a couple of minutes I was good to go.

Dr. Brown departed from the room first followed by the nurses.

I left the room after them.

I made a beeline for the OT but by the time I reached there, it was already empty and closed.

I stared at the now empty ward in skepticism.  Where's Vincent? Did his surgery went well? How is he doing? Or what if he did not-

I felt a bile rising in my throat, tears welling up in my eyes the longer I stared at the closed doors of OT.

After a moment,  I decided to go to the reception,  pay my bills first and then ask the lady about the whereabouts of Vincent.

I was walking to the elevator when I saw the young nurse from earlier this evening walking in the same direction as me.

When she spotted me, she stopped walking, her eyes roaming upside down my frame.

Then it hit me, she can tell me where Vincent is.

But before I could ask her, she spoke first. "How are you feeling now?"

I was ready to dismiss her question when I took a moment to rethink about her words.

It was a genuine question like she was really worried about me. I took the time to thank her and her colleague to help me a few hours back.

"Um..I am fine. Just tired. But feeling a lot better. All thanks to you and your colleague for helping me." I flashed her a smile in gratitude.

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