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I rubbed my fingers and palm continuously, the tightness and pain killing me. If only that bastard hasn't made me write those sentences for fifty fucking times!

Cherry on top, my free period is almost over and I have to rush to other building for my accountancy class. When I passed the cafeteria, I heard some of my classmates holler behind me, "Had fun writing the imposition?" Ofcourse lavender has to be a part of it. Where there is gossips, there is lavender.

I rolled my eyes at her. If only they knew that professor had let me go before I could finish my punishment or what happened after that. I felt my cheeks heating at the mention of what happened moments ago.

Actually if you see it, nothing big has happened. He came to stand behind me, no touching and all, then he grabbed my hands in his for the sake of halting me from writing anymore sentences. Then he whispered some words that was supposed to be a lecture about never ignore your professor again. Followed by me picking up my bag and leaving the room.

See, nothing great happened.

But he was fucking hard! Like noticeably HARD! What kind of professor can get hard by their student?! But then again, it's not like he got specifically hard after.. um.. whatever happened. He could be hard from earlier!

And he might have some interest in Vivienne, I saw the way he saw her in our first class and he might have found lavender sexy. Betty confirmed it herself, she saw him checking her out! Moreover girls were literally flaunting their cleavage on his face back in class, he is a damn man anything could have made him hard. What so special about me that led me to believe that I could even make him hard?!

Nonetheless, I collected this much information about him, that our teacher is a fucking pervert!

Vivienne joined me in the hallway to our next class and I was thankful she waited for me before going in.

"Are you fine?" Vivienne glanced at my hand, which I was still massaging with my left one.

"Oh, I will be fine. It wasn't that bad." I assured her.

"That must me embarassing?" She draped an arm around me and pulled me to her in a caring hug,"I swear if I could, I would have murder him for making you go through all this humiliation. For nothing I may add." She scowled.

"Do you—do you think professor don't like us?" I asked the question which was nagging the back of my head for a long time now.

Her eyes widened as she turned to me," Why did you ask this?"

"Just that, he is always punishing us. And only us. There are so many people who ignore him or zone out from his lecture during the class. He doesn't seem to mind them," I pouted.

Vivienne chuckled as we both took our seat in the first row. "I will say you are overthinking. Yes Vincent—professor Vincent is a bit obsessed with discipline and punctuality and we both lacks in it, remember?" She winked at me and I chuckled,"Plus, we sit the closest to his desk. I mean fucking first seat. Definitely he would notice us more."

Oh! I never thought about it like that.

"Now that you say, I understand it more," I turn to face her completely," hey I have a deal! Why not we ask someone else to exchange their seat with us?" I suggested.

"You want that?" She bit her lips. Unsure about what I am saying.

" Yes, I am already humiliated enough to not want to attend his class ever again. Good thing he is only here for one fucking semester!" I grunted as I took out my laptop and textbook for next class.

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