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I took a deep breath, ironing the sides of my frilly purple gown. My hair styled in 80s braids and fluffy curls. The brown shade of lipstick made my lips look more pouty than they actually were, the deep red blush accentuating my cheekbones.

I took a deep breath before turning around where Anna stood.

"Are you ready?" She asked, while handing me a collar mic, "you're supposed to sing on this, attach it to your neckline when you're asked to go on-stage." She stated.

I looked between the mic and her nervously as she lightly tapped on my arm, "You will be fine. Our play is about to start in a minute or two, come fast."

That's right, today our university is hosting an inter-college theatre competition, where a number of colleges all around Pittsburgh are participating and we will be playing Othello there.

The day we were practicing our ass off for has finally arrived and my nerves has started to frighten me.

What if I hiccuped meanwhile singing?

What if some technical issue arises while I am singing?

What if I accidentally drops my mic?

Can I bend down in this dramatic gown to pick it up?

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. I can't think like that! Nothing wrong will happen! Believe in yourself!

Anna started walking out of our changing room and I followed behind her. A dejá vu hit me of my first day at the bar as I climbed down the stairs of our university.

My heart pounding in my head as we neared the make shift amphitheatre in the garden of our university. It was seven in the evening and my fingers were crossed in hope that somehow the competition ends before nine so that I can reach my workplace in time. I don't want to take another day off, I had already taken enough liberty with Dayton this month. Another mistake will unmistakably cost me my job. Although despised, it's still a job which pays me more than I can imagine. So yeah, I just pray this competition ends soon.

As expected the back stage was chaotic. Everyone was rushing here and there, some fixing the dresses of their main leads while others were pacing with their scripts in their hands.

Professor was standing near the very front of backstage, a long line of participants from our college was formed behind him as he turned around to face me.

An angry scowl engraved on his beautiful face as he tapped his watch and mouthed 'late again' to me. I diverted my attention to other participants and they were already lined up.

Seems like I was the only one who took hours to get ready.

I passed a sheepish smile to professor, which was a combination of guilt and apology before I took my place behind Marilyn in the line.

"Okay students! Next is our turn and Carlow University has really done well in their play. We have to beat them at any cost if we want first place. Our chief guest were very pleased with them. Now I want y'all to give your best. And the best you can do for our play is appear as confident as you can,"Professor counted the suggestions on his finger tips," I don't want anyone trembling up there,"He gestured towards the make shift stage which was separated from backstage with a giant black curtain.

"Secondly, do not turn your back in audience's direction," He waved his index finger in our face motioning that it's a big no-no, "Make sure to keep eye contact with judges and please speak as slowly as you can. Make sure they hear you correct." then he snapped his fingers in Rachel and other girl's direction who were acting," those who have dress changes, please run to changing room once your scene is over and change your dress as fast as possible before the next scene." All the girls nodded frantically. Assuring him that they will be fast.

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