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I hid my cheeks with my hands while maneuvering my way through the hallways of faculty building. Trying very hard to conceal the blush on my skin. I bet I must be as red as a tomato by now!

It's so awkward to exit your teacher's cabin with blushing cheeks.

So.. is he asking me out.

On a date? For real?

I cupped my hands on my mouth to suppress the squeal which was on the tip of my tongue. Professor Vincent just asked me out..

And he cooked pasta, for me!

I can't believe my stars!

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch as students started rushing around the campus, going back to their classes creating a hubbub in the building.

I ignored most of them, staying away from them so that they don't smell him on me. Not that we did something there.

We just ate lunch together.. he asked me out and I agreed followed by me bidding him goodbye and exiting his cabin.

For the record, he walked me out of the cabin.

In such situations, the first thing one does is inform their best friends and they all enjoy the moment together. Unlucky me, I can't do that in my case. Because if I does, it will be a matter of seconds that the word will get out and then every one will be out to get me.

No way..

And not that I am complaining, I would have Professor Vincent go out with me at every chance I get in my life.

Because he is all that I think about nowadays.

Upon reaching my next class, which was company law, I sat down and mostly zoned out of rest of the class.

And just like that, my whole day passed, in restlessness and excitement.

The next morning I woke up extra early, cleaning the whole house, I did the utensils and cooked instant noodles for myself.

Slurping the noodles quickly, I tossed the empty box in the garbage before walking to bathroom.

I take out a new facial kit, that I recently bought, and applied the mask and scrub before waxing my facial hair and legs.

Stepping into the shower, I quickly took a bath and went to my closet.

I wore blue jeans over green blouse and tied my hair in a high ponytail.

Taking my bag pack, I walked out of the apartment to the bus stop.

Upon arriving the campus, I was instantly greeted by Vivienne and her big smile.

She dramatically took a sniff of my hair before sighing in relief, "You smell nice. What did you do?"

"Facial and hair spa," I replied non-chalantly. Now striding towards my locker.

When she did not followed me, I turned around confused.

He brows were furrowed together as she stared at me in shock,"Anything special today?"

My eyes widened as I mentally face palmed myself. Why can't I be smart enough to keep a secret? Then again who keeps a secret from their own best friend?

I shook ny head frantically,"N-No, nothing special."

"I just felt like pampering myself." I shrug non-chalantly, trying to appear as innocent as possible. But from inside, I felt a tornado of dread spiralling inside me.

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