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Oh no! I am late again!

Professor is gonna kill me for this I know.

He especially told me to be on time today since I have to give my measurements for my new costume today. And I would have been on time if only I had slept earlier last night. But if you see it's not my fault that I couldn't sleep properly. I was thinking about.. him. Like what's that he usually likes? What is his favourite colour? Is it black? Since he always wear black clothes. How many pair of black trousers does he owns? What if he only has two and wears and washes them on daily basis? He doesn't looks like he would do it. Moreover his clothes looks exceptionally expensive, like just stitched a day before he wears them.

How many girlfriends he had before? I have pondered on it before also, how many girls he has been with?

That thought angers me..

What is his type? Do he likes skinny girls? Because if that's the case, then I am royally fucked since I am far from skinny!

I abruptly bumped into a tall wooden doorframe, jerking back by the impact, I landed directly on my butt. Shit, I know my ass cheeks will have ugly bruises later. I slowly stood up, rubbing the sore spot on my butt. Taking in the oak wood frame, I read the name plate of Auditorium M and internally thanked God I am finally here. Twenty minutes late.

Rightly said, when I entered the auditorium, everyone was busy in their own practices.

This would be the first time in two days I am coming here, after my removal. I have tried to avoid professor as much as possible in these past two days, don't ask me why. Even I don't know. I have gone as far as bunking his classes just so that we don't have to see each other often.

I found him pacing back and forth near the stage, two or three others girls stood around him, a mobile phone was clutch tightly in his grip against his ear. "Professor Vincent!" I greeted him.

I walked closer to him, the girls around him dispersed giving me space to walk to him.

"Why am I not surprised, you're late again." He smirked, he eyes lighten up when he saw me. I wore a short ocean blue sundress complimenting my eyes and over it I had put on a denim jacket since it has gotten chilly recently. I thought he would be angry but seems like he is pretty much feeling the opposite.

"I am sorry again, it's just that the traffic was so intense today.." I trailed off. My fingers fidgeting with the hem of my dress nervously.

He rolled his eyes haughtily, cracking his head side to side,"the seamstress who was supposed to take your measurements left already because unlike you other people values time." 

I pursed my lips in shame, my eyes cast downwards. Since my gaze was trained downwards, um..it kinda trailed to his crotch involuntarily. Although the buldge wasn't so prominent like no boner or something, however it was there, the outline of his manhood, I saw as he pocketed his hands and fisted them under the fabric. Don't want to stare anymore I snapped my eyes back to his. As I noticed an inch tape in his hold, my gaze travelled between the inch tape and his eyes confusedly.

"Audrey," he called slowly,"Meet Rachel. She will be playing Desdemona now." A pang of hurt hit my heart and I suppressed it, thinking about how professor has already made up for his mistake by taking me to carnival.

I glanced at the young girl, around eighteen with golden blonde hair and pale complexion, I immediately recognised her as our junior. "Hello Rachel."

She waved at me happily,"Hii Audrey! I heard I am your replacement as Desdemona. I swear I will do better."

I bit the insides of my cheeks to refrain from spewing nonsense.. it's okay Audrey, you will be singing the closing theme.

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