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I gripped my fork tighter as I stabbed it into a small piece of pork cutlet. Flinching a bit when everyone burst into giggles.

I looked up from my lunch tray to my fellow classmates who were sitting on the same table, enjoying their lunch spiced up with latest gossips.

"And professor said,“you know you're a fantastic actress. I wish to see you in Broadway soon..” Lavender twirled a strand of her blonde locks around her index finger where bouncing in her seat, her boobs jerking in odd directions due to it.

You need a good bra, girl!

"Ohh.." her minions swooned, cheering for her to continue.

"He even said that blue is my colour," she covered her mouth with both hands and squealed into it.

"I can bet he likes you!" Maya clapped her hands together and nudged Lavender playfully.

I sipped the disgusting broccoli soup furiously, my eyes glaring daggers at the steel bowl, wishing that somehow these pork cutlets can be exchanged for lavender so that the one my fork stabs would be her.

"Oh shut up Maya! I don't think so," she combed her fingers through her hair, faking oblivion," I don't even think I am his type. " She pouted leaning on her arms which were crossed on the table.

" Don't say that, you're beautiful. " Gabriel, one of her die hard admirer grumbled, munching on the piece of a fry sticking to his fork.

The very faint gag that contoured Lavender's features when she faced him didn't went unnoticed by me. "You think so, darling?" She smiled suggestively at him.

And I saw the poor boy's cheeks colouring deep red as he looked down at his plate and nodded.

Both Maya and Mia giggled into their hands, passing a look at Gabriel meanwhile whispering something in each other's ears and snickered.

I gritted my teeth in anger at their snobbish attitude while cursing myself that I choose to take their invitation and took my seat beside these fools. If it weren't for Vivienne being absent today, I would have never accepted their offer in first place.

"Oh you're so sweet Gabby!" Lavender pinched his cheeks before bursting into pretentious giggles.

I rolled my eyes as I saw Gabriel touching the cheek lavender pinched minutes ago before bringing the hand to his nose and smelling it. Grinning happily.

Creepy bastard!

"You know he even helped me with my lines as they were purely in roman English and I had a hard time in memorizing those! Idiot Shakespeare and his tough ass language," I choked on my soup at her words. I thought she said she loved Shakespeare that one time when professor patrick asked her?

Betty, passed me her glass of water, considering I had already emptied mine earlier, and patted my back as I gulped the cool water down my throat.

"You should have been there Audrey when he said those line by his mouth! His accent is sexy," Lavender grinned evilly at me, resting her gaze at my blood shot eyes.

"But she does not practice with us anymore! Professor must have shooed her out after seeing her ugly ass acting!" Mia chimed in and I shot a glare to her.

"I told you, acting is not your thing Audrey. Couldn't even last two days in the club!" Lavender rolled her brown eyes haughtily. Her minions snorted at her words.

I should have known that there couldn't be any good intent behind them offering me to sit with them besides ofcourse belittling me. I had challenged there puppet master afterall..

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