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I stretched out my arms and groaned into the pillow. Scratching my head, I peeked my head out of the blanket and looked around the unfamiliar room I woke up in. Only now the reality settled in that I was in Vincent's room. I jumped up on the bed and set up straight, pulling my fingers out of the tangle mess of my hair.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I looked around the room for any trace of my handsome boyfriend. But he was nowhere in sight. Instead my eyes landed on the crumpled blanket on the couch along with a pillow.

Ah, another cringe worthy memory settled in my head, stirring up my stomach. Last night, god knows what kind of hulk got into Vincent, he kept on waking me up after every two hours for another round. It was until it ticked three in the morning when Vincent again woke me up that I kicked him off the bed and ordered him to sleep on the couch instead.


I slapped my palms on my forehead in doom. How could I be so mean to kick him off of his own bed?!

I crawled out of the cotton soft bed with great difficulty and finally found my footing on the marbled floor which felt awfully cold beneath my feet. Thank goodness my apartment has wooden flooring, these marbles are only as good as a show piece. Easy on eyes but in reality useless.

I marched into Vincent's closet and pulled out one of his hoodie pairing it up with his jockey boxers.

Once I was decent, I stumbled my way to the bathroom and contemplated on using Vincent's toothbrush rather than my own.

I quickly brushed my teeth—with his toothbrush ofcourse—and couldn't resist the urge to spray his Channel perfume in my underarms.

Aye, what a fragrance!

I combed my hair and bolted out of the room on a mission to find Vincent.

However I never expected  to find him in the kitchen, flipping the pan cakes and wearing nothing but the same boxers I wore to his room last night. I pursed my lips together and leaned against the kitchen counter. My fingers traced the edge of the granite counter top whereas my eyes were fixed on his muscle packed back.

"Now if isn't a sight for sore eyes.." I smirked as Vincent turned around to face me.

"You up?" He asked looking a bit startled. However,  I didn't miss the light blush on his cheeks.

Is he blushing? But why?

I leaned over the counter and pinched his blushing cheeks cooing at him,"How cute."

He slapped my hands away and quickly flipped another pan cake which was on the edge of burning.

He cleared his throat, regaining composure.

I took a seat on the bar stools which was stationed opposite the counter top, and drummed my fingers on the shiny granite stone.

"So," I began,"I thought you had a cook?" I chimed in looking around the almost empty, needlessly big living room.

He shrugged in response,"I gave them a day off. Wanted to cook for you myself."

He served a couple of pan cakes on a plate and placed a cube of butter over it, then he handed that plate over to me.

"Can I get chocolate syrup instead?" He put the bottle of maple syrup that he was about to pass over to me down and turned his attention to me, "No maple syrup?" he asked and I shook my head, scrunching up my nose in distaste. "Too sweet for me."

He nodded and passed me a bottle of Hersheys.

I drizzled the syrup on my pan cakes and cut a piece into it. The moment it hit my tongue, I moaned at the softness and sweetness of it.

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