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I woke up to the feeling of choking this morning. As I squinted open my eyes, I found myself a prisoner of Vincent's tight hold. His face was squished against my chest, his dishelved hair tingling the exposed skin of my neck, with his arms around me, squeezing the life out of my poor ribs.

A light moan escaped my lips as I struggled to detangle myself from him. My hair got stuck in his watch that he forgot to take off before going to bed.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain as he tried to move his arm on which he was wearing the watch that had my hair stuck in it at the moment.

He jolted awake upon hearing me whine in pain.

"Oh shit!" He quickly apologized, recollecting his dishelved self. I pulled my hair out of his watch and nursed my now sore scalp.

He saw me massaging my scalp with droopy eyes, his bed hair looking cute on him. I ran my fingers through the nest that his hair was at the moment, the ends feeling soft against my skin.

He leaned into my touch as I gently massaged his scalp. Just as he was about to close his eyes, I pulled at the roots of it.

He yelped his pain while jolting away from my hands. I burst out in laughter upon seeing him flee for the dear life of his hair.

"You are such a pussy, Vinnie!" I said in between the chuckles.

"Shut up! You know I am quite sensitive there." He whined while rubbing his now probably sore scalp. I got up on the bed and pulled him towards me, I massaged his scalp gently while working out the knots from his hair.

While I was busy inhaling his sweet scent, my mind was stuck on how am I going to face Vivienne today.

Last night I messaged her after mustering up all the courage my poor self could provide me with and waited for her reply.

Although she  replied me only this morning, I knew it was a yes ever since she saw the message last night. This morning she messaged me saying that she would love to catch up with me, only if I meet her at the place she wants.

Then she sent me the address of some penthouse which I know for sure is not her mother's property.

Somehow, I feel nervous to face her now. I have kept so many things hidden from her that even if I think, I couldn't come to a solid reason to give her as to why I was being so secretive all this time.

But whatever comes my way, I will face it. Cause I can't bear to lose the only friend I have ever had.

With that one thought in mind, I marched into the bathroom.

Nervousness took the backseat in my head as the realisation dawned on me that it is Vivi that I am talking about, the one who has always had my back no matter what. And even if she is angry with me, I knowI can convince her and once she forgives me, I will promise to never lie to her again.

I put on a pair of blue skinny-fit jeans  and Vincent's insanely large green hoodie which he loves on me. I blow dried my hair and combed it up in a messy high ponytail. Applying a light coat of my pink gloss, I slipped on black shoes and walked to Vincent's garage.

Since Vincent is off to grocery shopping right now, I decided to use his car instead. I hate asking his drivers to drop me. Like I don't pay them, so it feels quite mean of me to order them around.

As I drived through the busy roads of Pittsburgh, I noticed how sunny it was today. The bright sunrays illuminating the grey concrete of road, the thick trees planted on either side of road danced around as the cool breeze brushed past them.

I hummed to myself as I drove nearer to the address Vivi has sent me. After a drive of another fifteen minutes, the navigator in the car showed that I had reached my destination. Turning off the ignition, I looked around myself and took a minute or two to thoroughly take in the beauty of this place. It was an apartment complex, built amidst thick greenery, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh.

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