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I yawned loudly, walking amidst the swarm of students crowding the hallways. School without Vivienne is terrible. But her work commitments isn't making it easy for her to attend all the classes. Even today, she will join me after lunch time.

Moreover,  I was too sleepy to walk properly, you know the other reason. Last night after having our dinner together,  Vincent left. And I had to stay up till late night to wash off the blood stains from the bedsheet. Who knew virginity blood could be such a pain in the ass?

I never imagined that walking after having your first time will change you so much. It feels like I am totally a different person. First of all I am sore reminding me  with who I actually did it! A teacher I have developed feelings for with no clue about his intentions towards me. Secondly, I am fearing whatever we have between us more than yesterday.  I feel more emotionally dependent on him. Like we are connected now, and I am yearning to see him, to touch him. I miss him already and the mere thought of him not reciprocating my feelings knocks the breath out of me.

What if he rejects me?

What if for him I am just a body?

I won't be able to survive then...

Alas! Who knew losing your virginity could be such a pain in the ass?

I have always been so judgemental towards Vincent's character. So many times I have linked his name with so many girls who had nothing but a strict professional relationship with him. I even dragged my own best friend into that...

But now that I have a sexual relationship with him...what does that makes me? How does he looks at me now? Will he question my character now?

Before I can enter my economics class, I felt a tug on my arms and I was pulled to the corner of the hallway.

The person's nails digging into my arms, I yanked my arms away from the grip,"How dare you Lavender!"

She laughed on my face,"Exactly how dare you?!"

"You think I am some blind or dumb girl who wouldn't notice your slut-y ways of seducing professor Richmond?"

My body went rigid at her words. Failing to come up with a coherent come back,"What are your talking about?"

She feigned concern for me,"oh poor lady!"

"You think I don't see it? I saw you that day pulling you neckline down for him!"

I sucked in a sharp breath, suppressing the gasp that threatened to leave my lips. How did she know and how much does she know?

"He doesn't even pays attention to you!" She dramatically waved her arms around her," and he will never!" I sighed in relief, oh so she doesn't knows much.  Atleast not enough to cause trouble for me and Vincent.

"Sigh all you want," she crossed her arms across her chest, now sounding offended. Maybe I didn't reacted the way she wanted me to. "But you can never have him. He is only mine!" Her voice was boisterous,  so shrill that I control the urge of rubbing my ears.

She took threatening steps towards me and instinctively I backed away into the wall. "Do you know the world of adults darlin'?"

She placed one of her hands on my shoulder and squeezed it painfully, I winced in pain as tears welled up in my eyes.

"There is no place for little brainless sluts like you in their lives. He is an educated man, he needs an educated woman with power who could support his career in future. Like me! What do you have to give him?"

"You won't even be able to graduate properly!" Her voice took a demeaning note by now,"It  just makes sense for you to concentrate on your studies and stay away from him!" She shot a last glare in my way before sauntering away into the classroom,  her hips swaying naturally.

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