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Vincent's POV:

After a whole night packed with high caffeinated drinks, it felt nice to pee. I zipped up my pants once done and walked like a dead man to the wash basin. A whole night of investigation yet we couldn't trace the location of Audrey's stalker. Emile along with other cyber officers left an hour ago saying that they will try their best to help me. And I was tempted to call out them for their lie but suppressed my urges because I knew I need to be patient if I want to find the stalker.

As I was passing by the staff washroom, I caught the bits and pieces of the conversation that was going on between two girls.

"Yeah and Levi looked so hot in the basketball match." That's what had me stopping in my tracks as I zoned in on their conversation.

"I wasn't able to watch him, that stupid watchman didn't let me in!" Another cried out at her loss.

"Shh, he is not a watchman. But a student."

The other one with a deep frown edged on her face questioned, "Student? Looks old enough to be one."

The first one with blonde hair snickered,"Tell me about it. By the way I think he is majoring in business studies but is interested in photography. What a fool!"

I went directly to them,"Who are you talking about?" My words came out way colder than I expected them to. My eagerness to find a clue clearly shown in my voice.

They both frowned at me in unison and one of them replied,"Mars Jung?"

"He was the one guarding the match?"

The blonde one shrugged, "He volunteered."

If Mars was the one patrolling the match then he must have an idea about the lost bearings of people? If that's the case then he must know where is the lost ID card of that boy. Maybe then I could get a clue about the ID card and whether it was stolen or just lost? And if it was stolen then I can request my grandfather to look into the CCTV footages.

Happy that now I had a plan, I strode towards my ex-cabin to search for the information file of Mars Jung through which I can know his address.

I rummaged through a dozen of files to find his and when I did, I didn't wasted even a second in taking my car keys and taking off to the parking lot.

The sky was clear and blue today, a perfect weather for an outing, that is if you are in the mood.

And right now I was in the mood to get the information out of Mars' mouth.

I drove quite haphazardly to the area where Mars live.

Since the front door was left open, I invited myself in his house. There was a small photo studio at the first storey of his house which I blatantly ignored and made my way directly to the second storey where I guess he lives.

There was pin drop silence in his house. Not even a single sound audible which made me doubt the fact that he was in the house at all.

After roaming around the quiet corridors of his second storey, I made the decision, that I should leave and it was a waste of time to come here uninformed.

As I was descending the wooden staircase, something caught under my shoes that grabbed my attention.  It was a piece of a torn up picture and judging by what the shred had, it appeared like a picture of a girl...a somewhat familiar girl. Now that my interest was piqued, I ditched the idea of leaving his house and went directly to his studio.

As expected it was small and unkempt. It was built like a maze, one door led to another and soon I found myself standing face to face with something that had me taking a double look at the room.

It was what you can call a control room with exactly five TV screens and as I played one of them it had my knees buckling. Each one of the TV screen gave a view to Audrey's previous apartment. And exactly that angle from which that sex tape was shot.

It had me going through every cupboard of the room quite hysterically. I slammed open the shutters of the wooden shelves that were under the counter and and flipped through the pages of each one of his albums I could get my hands on.

I can't believe my eyes...

Those albums were filled with pictures and pictures of Audrey. From her random clicks in university to the pictures taken while she was in shower.

This man is disgusting!

I can't believe he was one of my students.

All this while he was under my nose and stalking my girlfriend and yet I couldn't interpret his actual intentions.

I always knew he was into her...but to this extent!? I had no idea he was someone this cheap.

I heard a very minute crumple of paper from behind me, which had me standing up in alert. I caught a figure advancing towards me in my periphery and I slammed the album close in my hands before turning around on my heels and slamming the album in his face, that I knew was Mars.

Not wanting him to recollect himself, I climbed up on him and started punching his face. I puched his jaws until I heard a satisfying crunch which had him groaning in pain and coughing blood.

However, I was not so lucky as he somehow managed to get the access to that album which was in my hands previously and hit me with it.

I suddenly felt dizzy and black spots covered my vision due to the hit which gave this motherfucker the chance to tackle me.

I shielded my face with both of my hands as he started landing frantic punches on my face.
After a few of his failed attempts, he yelled in frustration and punched my guts instead. I doubled over in pain before composing myself and smacking the daylights out of him.

I punched him one more time and made sure most of my hits impacted his nose. After a few more hits, he started loosing consciousness and it took everything in my being for detaching myself from him.

Pulling away, I called the cops and the team of cyber police who were working on this case and informed them about what Mars has been doing all these past few months.

I will make this bastard pay for his wrong-doings by hook or by crook.

After hanging up the call, I stared at the screen with damp eyes upon seeing the fifteen missed calls from Audrey. I know I have not been fair to Audrey by leaving her alone at this time, which I know is quite insensitive of me, but it was necessary.  Atleast now I can tell her that she is safe and she doesn't needs to be scared of anyone anymore.

The only problem was...how was I even going to inform her?!


I just shifted to my hostel all across the country which was quite hectic for me.


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