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Vincent's POV:

I cracked my neck left and right while unlocking the door to my manor. As expected, the maids had already called it a day and are off to their quarters, leaving me alone in the house.

Shortly after Audrey left today, the competition was wrapped up followed by an after party which I would have attended if only Audrey was there. So I had to lie to my students that I was not feeling well and skipped the party, leaving them on their own.

It was such a tiring day, paired up with me stressing over the execution of play. Initially when I joined the club, I did it recklessly, only to have Audrey with me for longer than a hour per day. But soon it turned into a challenge to my capabilities and I invested myself into it wholeheartedly.

I wanted it to be nothing less than perfect and am glad that we turned out to be the winners.

I must say that our judges were quite impressed by the singers, they were continuously praising both the girls and oddly enough it made me stand tall infront of them, proud to be their coordinator.

And not to mention the highlight of tonight, I fucking kissed Audrey!

My lips still tingled at the memory. Her lips were so soft and so inexperienced. I loved every bit of it.

But then, she being her had to push me away and ruin my whole mood! Just because she wanted to go to that cheap stake bar?! What the hell!

Never have I ever thought that I would be turned down by a girl just because she had some sick stingy bar at the top of her priority list?!

"I just got carried away.."

She said. Carried away? Really? Does my kiss meant nothing to her? Am I just a distraction to her? I searched on Google on my way here and it said that one person uses this phrase  'got carried away' to excuse some sort of their mistake.

Which made me think that am I just a mistake to her?

The kiss we shared was just a mistake of her teenage mind? Nothing more..


Ha! Look who is talking, as if I give two rats shit about what she thinks about me..

She is just a sexy piece of meat with curvy hips, which I have a fetish for fucking senselessly. It's all a game of one night, one night and game over.

Once I am satisfied, I will toss her to the corner of my mind, like some old memory which I will get bored of reminiscing it again and again. And soon she will fade from there as well..

Like she never existed.

Afterall, our worlds are polar apart. There is no way I want to make her a part of my life.

She doesn't even suits with me..

I made my way to the fridge and fetched a bottle of cold water and gulped it down thirstily. Somehow the thought of never seeing her again made my throat went dry.

Or maybe I am just tired.

Yeah, the later one..

It has to be.

Someone knocked at the main door of my house I grunted in annoyance. Tossing the bottle back in the fridge, I strode towards the door to open it.

The person I was least expecting right now tumbled in my house, wearing an oversized white t-shirt with no bottoms.

She tripped on her feet and landed straight into my arms as I tried to steady her back on her feet. Her cold breath fanned over my face, reeking alcohol.

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