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I speed up my pace and walked faster than ever before in my life to catch Vivienne. She was trying to be discreet, covering her face with her dark hair, she tried to slip past the swarm of students crowding the corridor. I grasp her arms in my hands, trying to not dig my nails into her skin and pulled her into an empty classroom on the right side of hallway.

Pulling her in, I closed the doors behind me and walked to calm her screams down.

"Who the hell is this—" I cut her off mid sentence, "Relax it's just me."

Her hand shoot up to her chest as she patted herself in assurance struggling to catch her breathe." What the fuck Audrey. You scared me! " She exclaimed while wiping away the sweat beads from her forehead.

I raised my hands up,"Didn't mean to!"

"Yeah right, didn't mean to but still end up doing that." She grumbled, adjusting the hem of her loose hoodie. I took note of her dressing today. She wore plain white leggings with a dark loose hoodie which looked hella comfortable.

A chuckle left my lips at her cranky mood today but soon was changed into a scowl when I remember why I pulled her here in the first place.

I aggressively sat my hands on either side of my hips, my brows furrowed together in a frown as my eyes trailed over her injured cheekbone. "What happened to your cheeks? A bruise on your face, I hope Aella didn't got a heart attack after watching it."

But noticing the sudden slumping of her body posture and the uneasy silence that prevailed after my sentence had my scowl washing away. I took a step towards her, "How did you get it?" I asked incredulously.

"I-I fell," she tried to speak but the next moment I saw her pulling her hair out of the scrunchie and shaking her head. Her dark locks fell over her shoulder and I noticed just how much grooming it requires to become this perfect that even when you pull at your hair in apparent frustration, somehow you ends up looking like a heroine. "There's no use of lying to you. I am sure you can directly see through it." She grunts and took a seat in the front deserted row.

I followed her suit and took the seat beside her, placing my arms on the desk I leaned on my arms, resting my head over it, I looked up at her. "Yes I can see through it. Now tell me, how did you get it?"

"I went to gym today with a heavy hangover." She averted her gaze away before continuing," Mom noticed and we had an argument. She p-pushed me." I gasped at her words. That's so unlike Aella to lose her cool that easily. She must be really mad then! My shoulders slump as I realised it's because of me that she was so mad at Vivienne. Aella doesn't likes me much.

At my reaction, she instantly turned her head to me, my eyes widen as she defended her Mom," She didn't mean to hurt me. She just pushed me in the heat of the moment, it was me who lost her balance and stumbled upon a dumble, hitting my face against the weight."

I sighed, seeing clearly through her mask. Deep down she too knows that no one pushes someone 'just because', there has to be a real amount of anger behind getting physical, especially with the person you cares about. But I choose to not mention it, if she wants to keep up with her mother then who am I to break their relationship. After all they are blood related, who am I? Just a friend. "She must be real worried then for you?" I bit my lips while waiting for her answer.

She lightly shook her head, her eyes looking pained,"She is angry."

I was taken aback for a moment before realising that she might have misunderstood the situation,"May be she is worried for you and angry at herself ?" I suggested.

This time she didn't move, just gazing softly at me," She is angry because now that I have an ugly bruise on my face, I shall not be featured in cosmopolitan." She completed.

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