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"What? Aren't you going to hop in?" I faked indifference as I raised an eyebrow towards Audrey. She was startled when I offered her a ride in my car, and now that I repeat my words in my head even I too find them weird. Like how often do you see a professor offering a ride to their students? But nonetheless I said it. And now just slightly I am regretting it.

After what happened in the hallway half an hour ago between us has thoroughly left me baffled. Never have I ever in my whole life lost control like this. It felt like I was reliving my teenage hormonal days, getting excited at just a mere touch from my crush. Wait! Crush? Do I have a crush on her?

" You really don't need to drive me home." She furrowed her eye brows as her eyes narrowed at me. Tilting her chin up she continued,"I can go by myself."

I internally grunted at her stubbornness. Honestly I really don't pamper tantrum throwing girls, I never had. But with her it's just so different. To say she sometimes infuriates me would be an understatement. She has really bad habbit of being lazy, something I am not a big fan of, still cannot bring myself to snap at her no matter how much I try. The most I can do is glare at her and that's it!

"I know you're more than capable of doing that and I never really said otherwise," I washed my gaze over her body, she looks so disheveled and unkempt right now and with those dark circles around her big eyes, she looks sickly. The fact that she is actually sick doesn't helps much,"Right now you're not in your best condition. And being your teacher it's my responsibility to make sure you reach home safe." I reasoned. Or more like lied because in general I don't give two fucks about any other student. I am just interning here and that for my granddad and for his happiness. I actually don't want anything to do with anyone. But like I said, with her it's different.

"Are you sure you would be fine? I really don't want to trouble anyone." My eyes softened as I took in her nervous face. She chewed on her lips while looking down at her feet, there was strange loneliness in her eyes which I can't decipher yet. The only thing I know is I don't like her expressions. She is not alone, I am there for her..okay not always but she has Vivienne who I can bet will be always there for her.

"Like I said, it's my responsibility. You are definitely not bothering me." I assured her before moving to sit in my car. My eyes followed her as she walked to the other side of my car and started to sit in the back seat. Before she could sit, I stopped her. "Do you think I am your butler?" I chuckled when she looked at me, her eyes wide like a doe as her chubby cheeks reddened. She shook her head vigorously as she shut the door and walked to sit in the passenger seat.

Once she buckled her seat belt I pressed on the accelerator as the car raced out of the parking lot.

People, mostly my friends or family have always complained about my insane driving. They say I drive like a vampire would, in a crazy speed. I have always ignored their comments with a laugh. Taking in Audrey's frightened expressions, I realise how wrong I have been to take them lightly. Warily, I slowed down my car a bit. A soft smile graced my lips when I saw her release a breathe of relief.

"Not a big fan of speed, huh?" I tried to initiate a conversation with her. She is just so intriguing to me, that I find myself greedy to know more about her.

"Not really. " She sadly smiled at me "Just some bad memories."

My brows furrowed in confusion,"Bad memories?" I don't intend to pry but the sadness and loneliness in her features is too hard to ignore that I want to know more, more of her.

She exhaled a shaky breathe and leaned further into the seat, staring out of the window. I watched as her index finger draw incomprehensible figures on the window aimlessly. Her aura speaking gloominess. Suddenly the air in the car became thick with tension as none of us spoke again.

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