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Vincent's POV :

I rubbed the slight stubble on my jaw while downing the last sip of my fifth cup of coffee. It was two in the morning and I haven't let even a single person walk out of the conference hall. I even went as far as bribing the cyber cops into working overtime when they started leaving at eight.

My grandfather had left for home in the evening itself, which left only me, Emile and officer Boston along with his team of cops who were trying to track down the black sheep in our university's group chat.

Finding this person is very crucial to me. There is high probability that this person is the one who has been stalking my girl and has bugged her apartment. Once I get my hands on this motherfucker  I swear he ain't making out of it alive.

Although a bigger part of my heart is yearning to go back to home and spend the night with Audrey. At this moment I know she needs me the most and it literally hurts my heart to not being able to be there for her. But I am scared. I am scared to go home empty handed and become a disappointment. What would I say to her? Sorry, Audrey but even after searching for him for hours, I am still unable to catch him and he is free out there and you should be more vigilant while going out now onwards because your boyfriend is a fucking loser who can't beat the ass of the person who has been stalking you for this long.

I am already so disappointed in me for letting things escalate this far. I should have taken a strict action back then and shouldn't have trusted those piece of shit detectives. Maybe then things would have been different.

It's all happened because of me. I should have taken her to a better place for her first time rather than fucking her in her own apartment. I shouldn't have been so desperate but how the fuck was I supposed to know that her apartment was bugged?!

I scooted closer towards a young officer who has been on his computet for last two hours straight.

"Did you find something?"

He looked up at me through his glasses, which were resting at the bridge of his nose. "We are trying our best Mr. Richmond. I suggest you go home and take some rest. You look tired."

I was this close to snap at him but I controlled my anger and settled on a "mind your own business."

"Well I could say the same." I heard him mumble under his breath. I shot him a death glare before opening my mouth to spew some much needed curse words at him when Emile groaned from beihind me,"Leave the poor man alone Vincent. Go and take a walk, hope that will help you calm you anger down."

"I am fine here." I seethe through clenched jaw, wanting nothing more than for Emile to shut up.

"Your choice. I am going to the cafeteria do anyone else need another cup of coffee." I knew very well that Emile just said that to spite me. He knew I needed another cup of coffee.

I stood up from my chair and stormed out of the hall, pushing past him.

I descended the staircase leading to the cafeteria and bought myself another cup of coffee before making my way back to the conference hall.

As I entered the conference hall which was echoing with keyboard noises I stopped in my tracks. "Mr. Richmond I think you should see this," officer Boston drawl out while grinning at the screen.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, what has gotten him so excited?

Nonetheless, I walked to him and bent down to take a better look at the computer screen.

Just one glance at the screen was enough to make the confusion evaporate from my mind.

"The video was anonymously uploaded using the wifi of RU's library." Officer Boston confirmed.

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