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Professor Vincent appeared a very strong muscled man from afar. But I never knew that he would be this strong, I could feel my whole hand getting numb due to lack of blood circulation in the veins courtesy his deadly grip on my poor wrist as he dragged me past the threshold of auditorium with our peers gasping at the sudden change of his mood. Whereas me, I was beyond shocked and felt awkward, embarassment only heightened when I couldn't put up with his pace and ended up stumbling forward. If it wasn't for the hold he had on my wrist, I would be kissing the ground by now.

Professor stopped abruptly and glanced back at me. Annoyance evident on his face. But the strange thing was, somewhere in my heart, call it sixth sense, I knew he wasn't annoyed at me or my incompetence at keeping up with his fast pace. It was directed at someone else and no need to mention that special someone. I think I already know who that unfortunate person was. He clicked his tongue before crouching down infront of me and extending his arms towards my hips. The moment his movements registered in my brain, I took a step back, my eyes widening as they assessed the corridor packed with students who were gazing at us intently.

As if realising only now that what was he was about to do and how weird it would look to others, he cleared his throat and stood up on his feet, dusting off his pants. He appeared at unease with himself, his features sporting a beautiful scowl, seemingly confused as to what he was about to do. Nonetheless he snaked his arms around my shoulders and tugged me closer to him. I sucked in a sharp breath at our close proximity. My eyes wandering over his plump red lips, the light stubble on his dimple chin.

"You good with walking?" He softly spoke. Almost a whisper, yet the deepness of his tone was alarming. Something you can lost your senses in. My mouth felt dry oh-so suddenly, a knot twisted in my lower belly and as if instinctively I took a step towards him, my right arm was brushing his shirt clad chest as I heard him swallow.

Not bothering with replying, I just nodded slowly. He tugged on my shoulder and I started walking beside him. Our steps were in sync, and I compared my short legs with his long ones. His shoes were shining with expensive polish whereas my sneakers had dried mud on it. I discreetly wiped them against the back of my jeans. I sighed when they looked atleast presentable.

I was so concious of his hold on my shoulders, it was very soft almost like we hold a fragile glass item. My eyes trailed to the back of his head, his chestnut brown hair were neatly cut and gelled. Every now and then he kept scratching the back of his neck, his long fingers would linger to massage the area before retreating and resting on his side.

"Where are we going again?" I swiped my tongue over my lower lip to provide it with some moisture and gazed up at him, waiting for a reply. He halted his strides as he turned to face me, his gaze trailing off to my now wet lips before going downwards. I watched him closely as he watched my bust intently. His gaze fixed on them as he bit his lips. His actions were so subtle that if I wasn't watching him closely, I would definitely miss his wandering gaze.

"Where do you think I am taking you?" He questioned me instead. I felt his finger trailed down from my shoulder to my lower back and pulled me to him. I was so lost in his sultry voice that I absolutely forgot to react towards the diminishing distance between us. 

"Uh.. To—"  I was cut off when he suddenly took a step towards me, our chest almost touching. "I-I," I really didn't know what to say next. I wasn't thinking straight, my insides were twisting in desire and my mind was a jumbled mess, I felt tongue tied. I wonder how does he do it. With a mere glance and closeness he can have me breathing hard. I felt totally helpless and needy when my pussy clenched involuntarily, a need to be closer to him arose in my head and without giving it a second thought, I took another step towards him, eliminating the remaining distance between us.

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