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"Be here by noon, not a second late!"

If I recall the exact words in that shrill voice of Lavender's, I would say she sounded commanding. But as I now sharply at noon stood in auditorium M, along with several other students who registered themselves for theatre this semester, and waiting for the queen bee to join us, I realised how much disagreeable unpunctuality can be.

To say lavender was so hot on our tails ever since the announcement was made that we will be performing Othello this month, would be an understatement. She was fucking desperate to have the opportunity of playing Desdemona. And somewhere the faint aura of self-assurance that no one but she herself could do the justice to Desdemona's character, didn't went unnoticed by me. Presuming herself the heroine of the play she has started bossing us around all the time. Always blabbering about being punctual and dedicated to the club, look who is fucking MIA right now?!

I adjusted the white dress over my thighs for the hundredth time, before combing my fingers through my caramel blonde strands as I swiped another stroke of cherry lip gloss over my lips. I was just trying to present myself on my best appearance on the first day of club.

At first I wasn't so wanting to play the lead role in the play. Assign me some back stage duty and I would have been the happiest. But since Lavender is acting like a bitch over the play, I wanted to give her a fair competition in this. Me being a "professional" stage performer, I was least fazed by stage or audience. And I was certainly aware of my charms. I have had my fair share of admirers ever since I entered puberty. Don't consider me as one 'unaware of her beauty' dumbo. I know very well what my looks can achieve considering I probably live on it-for example Dayton-and on that basis I am trying my full best to cease this opportunity of outshining Lavender. Not that she affects me much..

After a few minutes, Lavender finally entered the auditorium, fanning herself with her manicured hands. He black bodycon blouse with slim fit jeans looked so formal yet seductive. Perks of expensive clothing! I looked down at my cheap yet presentable dress and sighed in disappointment. Shifting from one foot to another, I realised that this will not do. These three inches heels are taking a toll on my ankles, they are fucking aching. Moving to the edge of secluded stage, I seated myself at the corners as Lavender's boisterous voice echoed in the almost empty auditorium saved for the few countable participants.

"I am sorry, My car's tyres bursted at the last moment. Had to ask Dad to drop me." Lavender excused her coming twenty minutes late to auditorium meanwhile touching up her make-up.

I rolled my eyes at her, slipping my feet out of the sandals, I examined the abrasion around the rear of my ankles. As expected they are unnaturally red. I sighed again. Good, now to defeat lavender, I have to endure these wounds and the pain it brings. Curse my bad luck!

I advanced towards my bagpack and fished out a band-aid the same time the wooden doors of the auditorium clicked open. We were expecting professor Patrick, to be our club's head again this semester so ignoring him I applied the band-aid hastily over my heels before slipping my feet back in the heels and zipping my bagpack shut.

It was until I heard the loud gasps and whats of the small crowd of pupils that I turned back to see what so surprisingly unnatural has happened that had made them all sound so shocked. Standing up from the stage, I looked through the crowd that had now accumulated around something, someone to be precise.

Moving closer to them, I caught the glimpse of professor Vincent in all his glory and blue dressed shirt standing at the centre of the crowd. A small triumph smile playing on his lips. I halted in my tracks. Mouth agape. What is he doing here?

"So you mean to say that Prof. Patrick won't be joining us for this club, this semester?" Karl, one of the club member and our senior repeated what might be prof. Vincent's words.

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