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I interlaced my hands together against my stomach while walking awkwardly besides professor. He tentatively kept his pace slow and by the wince on his face, he was walking damn slow by his standards just to match my pace. But I wasn't one to be blamed, I didn't asked him to walk me to his class, it was he who proposed. Now he better should suck his wince in.

"So, Audrey," he folded his arms across his chest, walking leisurely, "Are you still angry with me?"

I tilted my chin up to his direction, gazing at his face, "No.." I drawl out.

He sighed heavily, "I thought I saw you gritting your teeth at Rachel."

"Apparently you saw wrong," I lied. There is no way I am going to admit that. And by the way I thought I was subtle back there with my glare to Rachel, clearly I was wrong, he noticed.

"Maybe," He sucked on his lower lips and I gazed intently at his juicy pink lips.

"I am nervous," I snapped out of my trance and tried to change the topic.

"About?" He looked down at me confused.

"I have never sang before. So I am nervous I will mess it up." I shivered at the thought of hundreds of students hearing my voice and judging it.

He scratched the back of his hair, disturbing the perfect waves of his brown gelled hair," I don't understand you work as a singer, what is so new about singing now?"

"Both things are different, I am used to singing infront of drunk strangers. Who don't even understands whether I am actually singing or lipsyncing. I don't know, how would these sober peers take my singing, will they like it?" I kicked a littering plastic bottle out of my way tiredly before turning to face him again.

A short chuckle left him, he turned to face me, stopping with his steps he unfolded his arms and ruffled my hair with his hands. I was taken aback by the unusual display of affection as he gazed at me adoringly, "You're cute when oblivious." He reasoned before combing his fingers through my hair, probably fixing the unruly curls.

After recovering from initial shock, I jerked my head away, trying to appear unbothered and started moving ahead.

I heard his steps following behind me but he made no move to walking up to me.

I tried to ignore him as I walked fast to my class. That until I felt his gaze on my ass did I stop. I turned around quickly and caught his gaze fixed downwards. He might have caught on my move as he quickly snapped his eyes back to me.

Now I am curious as to how he will react. I know he is not good with being caught, in fact he hates it. How will he react now?

He pocketed his hands before glancing at my face leisurely, his eyes studying what I assume my reddening cheeks before they trailed down to my bosom. He looked back in my eyes and tossed an arrogant smirk my way before walking past me.

My jaws dropped to the ground. He is making it so obvious?! Do he likes me? Ha! Stop overestimating yourself Audrey! He does not!

I turned back on my heels and started stomping my way to my class.

"Do you have a crush?" He suddenly asked from behind me and my feet halted moving. He quickly walked up to me, "Huh? Do you like someone?"

Heat creeped up my face, what do I say to this? "Um.." I pursed my lips tightly together, not wanting to reply him.

He hunched down on his legs infront of me, his eyes analysing my face very closely, "You like someone! Don't you?!" He snapped his fingers infront of my face, catching me off guard.

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