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I was constantly glaring at the back of both of my teachers with so much disdain in my gaze that I wonder how can they not sense it already?

They were both conversing so casually, not giving a fuck about the students as poor professor Matt was going crazy keeping us all in order. And for that my glare became more intense, how can they be so selfish to dump all their duties on one person and enjoy themselves alone?

The third seat in our row was occupied by Betty and god bless her because I was getting so irritated by her constant speaking.

"So I went to confess in blue tutus while I was practically for a ballad," she was talking something about her first love to Vivienne, which I was gratefully ignoring. And how can I even bother her when my own world was shattering infront of my eyes?

Okay, that was quite dramatic but how can you explain the pain you feel when you see your crush flirting with someone else who looks prettier than you?

"And that day! I made a note out of it, no matter requited or unrequited, it's best to confess your feelings rather than squirming in regret later." Now that's something which piqued my interest and I narrowed my eyes at Betty.

" What?"

She tilted her chin towards me and rested her gaze on my face as if studying something before she spoke," you weren't listening!" She accused and my cheeks heated up out of embarassment.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Vivienne stiffening before she subtly switched off her phone and put it aside. Now giving her full attention to Betty.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I smiled sheepishly at her and she rolled her eyes before beginning again,"So I was telling you about my first ever crush. I was twelve and I had like a very huge crush on my cousin brother." She waved her arms around dramatically and I choked on my spit.

Who crushes on their cousin brother? It's so much like her.

"So at first I tried to avoid it out of shame." She pouted her lips and I can't help but relate her story to mine. I too avoided professor Vincent for so long because I was ashamed to admit that I was having wet dreams about my teacher. "I would want nothing but him to touch me." She added.

And I touched myself thinking about professor.

"Even a single brush against his body would ignite sparks and goosebumps all over my skin." I cringed at her words and the fact that how much relatable it was for me.

" He was older than me and would go out with pretty girls his age and I would burn in pure jealousy," Involuntarily my gaze travelled to professor who was intently looking at Barbara and my fist clench upon seeing the shy smile on her face.

"So one day, I thought I have had enough!" I snapped my attention back to Betty who now had a stern look on her face,"I went to him and confessed."

Now that's something which shocked me,"You confessed to your brother!"

I heard Vivienne intake a sharp breath and simultaneously Betty rolled her eyes,"Cousin!" She corrected me.

As if that makes any difference..

"Actually it does," Vivienne answered my question and I slapped my palms on my forehead. When! When am I going to stop spewing nonsense subconsciously?!

"And who are we to judge? Maybe we are worse. Afterall we all have fetish for forbidden relationships.."

"And what's so wrong to act up on it," Betty chimed in and I smacked my lips in a tight line.

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