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I rubbed my hands together to bring some warmth to them as they were freezing.  The wind was chilly as the sun was overshadowed by grey clouds. I impatiently tapped my foot against the concrete ground of parking lot while waiting for Vivienne to arrive in her car.

Vivienne is not one to get late. She is always on time. And now it's just a few minutes before the morning bell of the university will ring and first period will commence.

The same time my phone buzzed in the pocket of my pastel green hoodie, as I retrieve it from the pocket, I read the caller's name and frowned. Why is Aella calling me?

Nonetheless I picked up the call and instantly Aella's shrill voice fill my ears and I silently winced.

"Is Vivienne with you?" She yelled and I pulled the device away from my ear to spare it from the horror of hearing the disgust in her voice.

"Um.. no. Infact she is late today. I thought she was not planning to come today at all." I spoke way too fast to get, desperate to hang up the call as soon as possible.

"Alright." She dismissed me and I heard her mumbling under her breath, "what am I supposed to do with you Vivienne! Today is your photoshoot and you're nowhere to be found. Absolutely useless."

I scowled, how can she talk about her daughter like that? "She. Is. Not. Useless!" I voiced out through gritted teeth before hanging up the call.

I glared at the screen of my phone. Vivienne is not useless and this bitch needs to get this thing through her fat brain.

By the way she said that Vivienne had a shoot today. But why didn't she told me about it?

The way you didn't tell her about kissing your teacher!

Shut up! My brain really needs to stop sending me reminders of my sins.

Maybe Vivienne is already in the shoot and that's why she isn't in the university yet. If that's the case then I better should head in, I am freezing here.

It has gotten colder in Pittsburgh.

Just when I was about to enter the campus, I saw in my peripheral, professor's car screeching it's way in the parking lot.

My eyes immediately lit up at the sight of his car. I was excited yet uncertain to meet him after our kiss yesterday.

He kissed me, what now? Does that change anything between us? And most importantly, why did he kissed me?

I ran towards where he parked his car, unsure how will I face him but eager to meet him nevertheless.

But before I can go any further towards it, I saw another person sitting in the passenger seat and my feet came to a halt instantly. I took slow steps towards it and tried to hide behind the other car which was parked next to his.

From here I can see the other person clearly and I almost stopped myself from gasping aloud as I saw Vivienne sitting in that seat.

A dejá vu hit me of the time when he dropped me to my house in his car. It was the same passenger seat I sat earlier. An ugly pang of jealousy hit me but I tried to ignore it along with ignoring my gut feeling which said that there is more to them. More to know.

Vivienne opened her side of door but before she could exit she turned around and began speaking to professor. Since she forgot to shut the door back, it was still slightly ajar and I can hear what they were talking about. Not clearly but still coherent enough to understand.

"Thanks for dropping me, sir." She fidgeted with the white gold pendant clutched around her long neck while speaking.

I sighed, somewhat trying to calm my haywire nerves down.

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