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Professor Vincent was standing infront of the stage, his bulky arms crossed across his chest, his nostril flares with the amount of hostility he held while glaring at everyone else who were ogling my legs .

Stopping midway a song is going to cost me my job, but even when I tried, I couldn't get out a squeak out of my mouth much less another word. I gave a side-eye to Milly who is mostly in-charge of backstage, gesturing that I got freezed. The second moment I know, the song Señorita started playing through the speakers, and I just moved my lips to the lyrics.

Like I said, the drunk peers were too busy drooling over my cleavage to even notice that I wasn't singing anymore. And for the first time in my life I was happy over it. Maybe now Dayton won't fire me. Since no one seems to notice it much.

Usually, I sing two or three songs in a row, but since tonight I got froze, I was ushered down after the first song by Milly, who very tentatively announced the beginning of stripping show. I stepped down from the stage as exotic dancers took their place on respective poles and strippers started teasing the peers.

Instinctively, my eyes moved to where Professor was standing before and I noticed he was nowhere in sight. In any other situation, I would have been pissed that after ruining my show, he goes MIA on me. But considering the commencement of stripping show, a proud smile played at my lips. Maybe he is not that big of a pervert?

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice when someone approached me. Only when they gripped ny wrist tightly and pulled me away from the crowd, near the hallway that leads to washrooms of the bar did I realise that may be I am getting kidnapped.

I shrieked in fear, struggling to get out of this person's grasp. A large palm was pressed against my lips, pushing me against the wall and caging me there with his body, I blinked my eyes furiously, getting rid of the moisture to take a glimpse at his face. The voice of protest died in my throat as professor Vincent's face came in my view.

My breathing was uneven as I struggled to catch my breath, my chest rose up and down with the struggle as I watch professor's attention moved to my overly exposed cleavage. The scowl washed away immediately, his livid eyes melting into lust as he gazed at the frantic movement of my chest.

I was confused by my reaction the most, instead of getting repellent, I was oddly arouse with those lustful eyes as they raked over my tight dress. The hands that were covering my mouth, dropped down to my waist. Placing them there softly, he pulled me flush against him, my lower half touching his black slacks. I crane my neck up to look into his eyes, heat crawling up my face as I could feel the outline of his manhood against me over our clothes. It makes my lower belly throb in pleasure.

I brushed his hands away and stepped back, nervously scratching the back of my neck. This is so inappropriate, I don't know if he could feel the heating intimacy between us or not but if I believe my sixth sense, it shouldn't happen, every touch which ignites erotic sensations in my core, gives my mind vulgar imaginations, this all should never happen.

He must have too realised my point as he too took a step away from me. The distance unwanted yet needed. "What—"

I was cut short by him,"I think I was rude today. I shouldn't have removed you like that."

My head perked up at his words, my interest intrigued. Two things, first is he indirectly apologising? Second, is he here to take me back in the play as Desdemona? I don't know why but that thought stirs an uneasy feeling in my guts. I don't want to kiss Jameson!

"So what, you are reflecting on your mistake now?" I raised my one brow at him.

He shifted his weight from one foot to another, clearing his throat he began,"Y-yes. And I want to do it properly." He clutched my wrist in his tight grasp and started pulling at it.

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