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Vincent's pov:

I stared at the retreating form of Audrey as she practically ran into the campus building, making me chuckle in humor. If I wasn't already so late, I would have stayed longer in the car, sulking at the fact that Audrey is not comfortable with being seen with me in public.

So keeping personal matters aside, I quickly parked my car and exited it, taking in the eerie quiet parking lot, I realised that I am way too late. Something which I have experienced for the first time in my life. Before this, I was so crazy after punctuality. And look at me now, a few weeks into relationship and I am already adapting to her habits.

I was about to take the elevator for the sixth floor when I received an email by my grandfather to meet him in his office.

Judging by the formal tone of the email, I realized it's a rather important matter. So instead of asking him to fuck off, I decided to go to his office first.

Upon reaching it, I was informed that he was in conference room and that I was expected to reach there as soon as possible.

What the fuck? If he wanted to meet me in the conference hall then why did he asked me to come to his office in the email in the first place? Wasted so much of my time!

Then I noticed that I received this email an hour ago. The exact time when I was expected to report into the campus. But due to my preoccupations with my sweet little girlfriend, I was apparently very late.

Anyways, I forced myself to get into professional mode before I could slip into imagining Audrey, naked and moaning underneath me, as I strode to the conference hall.

However what I was not expecting was almost all of our staff that was present in the room. They were all seated into their respective seats and glaring at me with disgust and unease.

Unable to understand what has gotten their pants into twist now, I ignored them and walked lazily to grandad.

He was...well staring at me with a sternly.

"You asked for me?" I proceeded to sit in my designated chair, besides the Dean's chair.

He cleared his throat. "Well, Mr. Richmond I am assuming you haven't been informed about the reason behind our meet yet?"

"Yes, I haven't been informed." I chimed in, my tone nonchalant and happy due to the sweet treat I have received from Audrey just an hour ago. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't adjust to the tense atmosphere of the room.

He slid his laptop to me, murmuring grumpily, "Well that explains."

I stared at him quizzically, unable to understand what is actually going on. "What explains what?!"

He ignored my sharp tone and rather gestured for me to look at the laptop.

I huffed in irritation before looking down at the laptop screen.

Going through the device, I came across with a video that was recently shared anonymously in our school's official group chat. Just one glance at the angry messages of the pupil had me sitting up straight in my chair. Reading the outward backlash of other students towards a particular girl— judging by the colourful vocabulary used for her character, it was definitely a girl—was quite upsetting.

As a teacher it is always upsetting to have to witness your students being such jerks.

Scrolling up to the videos, I played the first one of it.

But before it could play for more than a second, I found myself aggressively shutting off the screen and catapulting it across the room.

Who son of a bitch dared to do it!

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