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Blinding sunrays peeked into the kitchen through translucent windows of living room as I whisked the egg in the bowl. Adding some finely chopped veggies in the whisked egg, I poured it onto a pan. Flipping the omelette, I moved to the refrigerator and took out pickled cucumber and radishes onto the plate before adding roasted sausage over it. Placing the omelette on the side of the plate, I picked up a fork and moved to the couch in living room. Enjoying my breakfast along with the warm summer breeze of Pittsburgh, I sighed in content.

My eyes were itchy and swollen along with my lips and nose. Currently my face looks like a white potato, all thanks to my emotional breakdown last night. Fuck, I don't want Vivienne to see me with this face, she would literally freak out!

I quickly gulp down my breakfast with a cup of coffee before rushing in the bathroom. After the shower, I wrapped my damp hair in a towel before walking in the closet. I pulled out a pair of faded blue shorts, dark green tank top. Feeling quite exposed, I pulled out a denim blue shirt and slid it over my arms. Leaving the button open so that the front of the tank top was exposed, I felt quite sexy in it. Moving to the dresser, I combed my curly hair and tugged it away from my face with bobby pins. I applied a quick stroke of pink lip gloss over my lips and a light coat of mascara to my lashes before slipping white converse shoes over my feet. Picking up my bag and wallet, I left the apartment.

After a ride in an ultra-congested bus, I finally reached college and made way to my first class, economics. On seeing Vivienne sitting on her usual seat, I sighed in content. Walking faster towards my seat, I dumped my bag on the desk and hastily sat down on my chair, facing her. She too turned to me and greeted morning.

"Good morning to you too!" I smiled at her.

She patted my cheeks lightly,"You cried last night?" She asked, concerned.

"Nothing big. Just that I felt like someone was following me after I finished my shift at bar," I couldn't help the tears that pooled my eyes at the memory. I wiped them away before they could roll down," I-I was so scared," I wiped the stubborn fugitive tears away.

Vivienne immediately wrapped her arms around me,"I am so sorry that you have to go through all these things every other day."

Detaching myself from the hug I wiped the tears away one more time before nodding at her,"You have nothing to apologise for."

"Why don't you leave working there?" She suggested.

"You know I can't. It pays me more than I can earn from anywhere else. Plus it's less manual." I reasoned.

"It pays you more because that Dayton shit of yours has a perverted eye set on you," she huffed.

"I know it okay! You have no idea what I go through everyday so that I can afford that shit apartment and my studies! I don't have rich parents like you who can protect me and provide for me—" I slapped my palms on my mouth as soon as those words left my tongue.

Bloody fuck! I sounded so mean!

" I am sorry!" I apologized.

" No, it is okay! I know you're right. I shouldn't have pushed you. Problems can turn a person bitter about life." she passed me a sad smile.

As I opened my mouth to answer her, I was cut off with Professor. Vincent walking in the class.

He was looking exceptionally gorgeous today with black dress pants and sky blue denim shirt. Wait! I looked down at my clothes, I was wearing the same colour as him!

When I looked back at him, he was already staring at me. A smirk played at his lips as he diverted his attention back to the class and greeted them," Good morning students," he was so close to grinning. He must be in a very good mood today.

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