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"Oh my God I am so excited for this aquarium thing!" Betty squealed covering her mouth with both hands.

"And how many times are you going to remind us of this?" Vivienne bemoaned, uninterested.

" Oh come on Vivienne, don't start with that boring tone. I mean to say a whole day with Professor Vincent! Who doesn't wants that?!" Betty winked mischievously towards us and both me and Vivienne rolled our eyes in unison.

"Amidst fishes and Octopus," I reminded her. She seems to forget that this is supposed to be some sort of science trip. And we are not even science students! Quite ironical.

" Whatever, " Mia huffed before clutching onto Maya's hand," Oh my Gosh.. Aquarium will be so cold! I think I can't wear those Gucci's recently launched skirt there anymore!"

Maya squeaked in horror," That means we have to dress up in long dresses and sweaters like old grannies. "

"How tacky! " They both moaned simultaneously while a certain someone's voice rang in my head.

"Or maybe you're really a conservative granny."

Ugh! Why is everything reminding me of him? Why can't I just dust him off of my head?

Huffing silently I started taking longer steps towards our next class, surpassing these three fools and so called Lavender's friends.

Vivienne followed closely behind me," I just hate these bimbos!" She muttered under her breath and I silently laughed at her antics.

Regretful that I even thought that she can sleep with our professor. She is not one of those girls who have only one thing going in her mind always, ie sex. She is different, confident and ambitious. And that is why she is my bestfriend.

That stupid Mars, it's all because of his stupid ass explanation that I even considered that point and doubted my own bestfriend. I should have known better. And now I am stuck!

How should I apologise to professor to begin with?

A loud feminine laughter boomed the corridor and my feet halted. Turning slightly to my right I saw Ms. Barbara sitting in her chair and a very merry looking professor Vincent sitting on the chair opposite her.

The desk between them had a pink lunchbox on it with it's lid opened.

Ms. Barbara picked up a chocolate cookie from the box and extended her arms towards professor's face. Placing the cookie against his lips, she gestured for him to bite on it,"And this time please don't bite on my fingers again!" She happily squealed and I felt a chilly gust of air pass through me.

This time...bite on my fingers again..

And did I mention the classroom was empty with it's doors closed?

And if it weren't for the opened windows, I wouldn't have been able to see them to begin with.

Professor bit on the cookie and chewed it slowly, "It melts in your mouth. I love it!" He appreciated her and my blood ran cold hearing the admiration in his voice.

"I don't like sweets.."

He said to me that one time when I offered him skewered peaches in the carnival and now look at him. Happily munching on sweet cookies.

What a hypocrite!

"Really? I baked them especially for you," she then closed the lid of the box and slid it towards him. Professor picked it up  and examined its pink sides with amusement before nodding at her in appreciation.

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