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Professor turned around to face me, giving me his undivided attention, "You are free to speak your mind with me," he stationed one of his arms around the chair I was sitting on, caging me between his arms.

I fussed with the hem of my skirt, my eyes roaming all over the library making sure none of them are paying attention to us.

"I-I think I can not practice well at home. I mean to say, I am practicing," I am not at all practicing, I don't have any time. "But without an audience, I don't know how well I am doing."

He nodded his head, taking my words into consideration as I continued," So I am thinking, maybe I can practice with you all, especially Marilyn, " that bitch, fuck her," she is an awesome singer, " one I would rather not hear. "If  I practice with her and y'all, maybe you guys can tell me if I am good enough or not.. " I trailed off. Observing him closely. He seems convinced by my explanation.

I sighed in relief, maybe now he can allow me to practice with them without suspecting my ulterior motives?

"Alright then," he stood up straight, his feet apart and arms crossed at his chest," You can join us from tomorrow."

" Thank you sir. "

" See you later than, " he waved his good bye to me before moving out of the library. I too picked up my bag and followed him out in the hallway.

Not making any move to call him, I just silently walked behind him, admiring his round ass that so much resonates Michele Morrone's in 365 DNI. I love that movie!

For a mature man with good observant skills, I find him quite oblivious, considering he didn't caught me staring at him once as he disappeared in auditorium M and I quietly walked to the lockers.

Maybe, he always have so many girls gawking at his ass daily that now he has stopped caring.

Which is a bit hurtful, that I am not the only one who got to appreciate his body!

Who am I kidding? He is a grown up man! He must have thousands of girls worshipping his body, hundreds of girls who must have seen more than just his trousers clad ass.

And I should definitely drop walking with my head absent considering it always ends up with me bumping into walls, just like now!

I rubbed my forehead and groaned as it ached.

While making my way to home, I bought a packet of potato chips and orange juice for lunch. Munching on them all the way to my stop in the bus.

Once reaching home, I tossed my bag at the couch and made my way to my bed and jumped on the semi-hard mattresses.

Not knowing when I drift off into a deep slumber.


My alarm clock went off as I tossed the article in the corner of my room. My eyes still closed as I stepped out of the bed, grunting as the cold floor came in contact with my swollen feet. I always get my feet swollen after walking for too long or in when it's too cold.

The reason being the former as I remembered I had to stand for three hours straight on stage, Dayton made me sing ten songs back to back. Yes he is still mad at me for sneaking out with professor without his knowledge the last time.

Plus, I had to walk back to home in high heels, so right now my toes are swollen and my ankle have blisters.

God bless Dayton..

I hope not..

Once in shower, I remembered something. Professor said I can join them for practice starting today!

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